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 Random rant about dropping backpack.
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PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:14 pm   Post subject: Random rant about dropping backpack.

So I dropped my backpack today, and inside it was my laptop....I guess I got off lucky, the thing still works, except I have to hold the power connection a certain way, with downward pressure or else it doesn't power....right now I've got my notebook doing the deed as I sit in class....Its also annoying because my laptop likes to beep every time I unplug the cord...or in my case nudge my notebook. Its not a quiet beep, this one can be heard across the room. Lets see how my warranty pans out, they're usually really good about this so I hope its not a problem (I work at a store, and you'd be amazed at the stuff we put through warranty....that they really shouldn't cover...) I can't wait until my battery is fully charged so I can unplug the cable altogether for the rest of my 3hr lecture.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 5:52 pm   Post subject: RE:Random rant about dropping backpack.

Sorry to hear about the laptop. Dropped mine a few months back, it wasn't pretty.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 6:59 pm   Post subject: RE:Random rant about dropping backpack.

Sounds like the power connection broke loose when it dropped; if your adventurous you could open the laptop up and try and resoder (totally not spelled right) the connector where it's broken.

It could also be that hte motherboard flexed and broke a trace (happened to me with my GPU... ) which isn't fixable without replacing the motherboard. If that's the case then you can see if you can replace it under warranty.

I picked my laptop up the wrong way once and in the process broke a connection between the CPU and the motherboard. It still works fine, I just can't use AGP or the system locks up... it's great fun!

PostPosted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 7:31 pm   Post subject: RE:Random rant about dropping backpack.

oh my god, i had the exactly the same problem, but i didnt drop it, it was becuase of overheating
and it ..... melted the power jack lose
so to fix your problem i suggest you go on ebay and look for a power jack to suit your laptop, and a few soldering should do the job.
oh and dont try giving more pressure to it... it will just make it worse
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