Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 6:09 pm Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
// A MyRange object could really just be an Iterator[Int].
class MyRange(val start: Int, val end: Int) extends Iterator[Int] {
protected var current = start
def hasNext = current <= end
def next = {
val c = current
current += 1
// And a MyExclusiveEndedRange.
class MyExclusiveEndedRange(override val start: Int, override val end: Int)
extends MyRange(start, end) {
override def hasNext = current < end
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Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 8:57 pm Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
for (val x <- r) {
Console.println(count + ": " + x)
count += 1
// Not easy enough.
val r = new MyRange(5, 10)
val i = r.counted
for (val x <- i)
Console.println(i.count + ": " + x)
// How about a new class?
class EnumeratedIterator[+T](val targetIterator: Iterator[T])
extends Iterator[(Int, T)] {
protected val iter = targetIterator.counted
def hasNext = iter.hasNext
def next = {
val n =
(iter.count, n)
// And now...
val r = new MyRange(5, 10)
for (val (count, x) <- new EnumeratedIterator(r))
Console.println(count + ": " + x)
Posted: Thu Jun 07, 2007 11:23 pm Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
// Use the power of the standard library!
for (val (x, count) <- new MyRange(5, 10) zipWithIndex)
Console.println(count + ": " + x)
// Let's try some XML.
val xml = <list>
{ for (val (x, c) <- new MyRange(5, 10) zipWithIndex)
yield <item><num>{c}</num><val>{x}</val></item> }
Posted: Sat Jun 09, 2007 3:09 am Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
class Foo {
private[this] var n = ""
def name = n
def name_=(n : String) =
this.n = if (n == "bar") "baz" else n
val foo = new Foo; = "bar"
Console print // "baz"
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 7:49 pm Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
Let's create our own loop.
def myFor(init: Int, test: Int => Boolean, update: Int => Int)(action: Int => Unit): Unit =
if (test(init)) {
myFor(update(init), test, update)(action)
And then we'll try calling it.
myFor(1, _ <= 3, _ + 1) {
case n => Console println n
Or perhaps...
val doFromOneToThree = myFor(1, _ <= 3, _ + 1) _
doFromOneToThree { case n => Console println n }
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:11 pm Post subject: RE:[Scala] A little code
Perhaps something inspired by education.
type Name = (String, String)
type NameList = List[Name]
class MathClass(protected var teachers: NameList, protected var students: NameList) {
def addTeacher(teacher: Name) {
teachers = teachers ::: List(teacher)
def addStudent(student: Name) {
students = students ::: List(student)
def foreachTeacher(action: Name => Unit) {
for (val teacher <- teachers) action(teacher)
def foreachStudent(action: Name => Unit) {
for (val student <- students) action(student)
def foreachTeacherStudentCombination(action: (Name, Name) => Unit) {
for (val teacher <- teachers;
val student <- students) action(teacher, student)
val myClass = new MathClass(List(("Foo", "Bar"), ("Baz", "Smith")), List(("Baz", "Qux"), ("Wooble", "Ninja")))
myClass foreachTeacherStudentCombination {
case ((tFirst, tLast), (sFirst, sLast)) =>
if (tFirst == sFirst || tLast == sLast || tFirst == sLast || tLast == sFirst) {
Console println "Whoa! Similar names.... groovy!"
else {
val tName = tFirst + " " + tLast
val sName = sFirst + " " + sLast