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 The Matrix program
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 7:44 am   Post subject: The Matrix program

I have tried to imitate the effect of the matrix. It is a bit lame now, i am still working on it. Hope you guys can help me improve it.


 Filename:  matrix.t
 Filesize:  9.33 KB
 Downloaded:  835 Time(s)


PostPosted: Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:04 am   Post subject: Re: The Matrix program

Man. I've seen so many of these matrix generator things, and all of the ones with 1s and 0s in them have insanely long put statements filled with random 1s and 0s. Try this:

colour (green)
for i: 1 .. 9999 %or whatever
    put Rand.Int (0,1)..
    delay (1) %or whatever
end for

It is sooooo much more efficiant and cleaner looking.

not trying to be mean or anything

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:39 pm   Post subject: Re: The Matrix program

Thanks for the advice. I am fairly new in Turing and just thought of using the basics i have learned. I was thinking on how to make it look cleaner. Thanks for the improvement.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:36 am   Post subject: RE:The Matrix program

hahah this is so cool, it actually made my day !

PostPosted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:44 pm   Post subject: Re: The Matrix program

cool, but maybe it should be... more matrixy

check out mine

PostPosted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 3:21 pm   Post subject: Re: The Matrix program

Your matrix edition looks a lot better. Although, i want to make a suggestion. I think there should be more symbols and don't use letters. try to use symbols from the characters list...

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 6:29 am   Post subject: Re: The Matrix program

haha, this is soo coool. good job on it. (Y)

PostPosted: Thu May 24, 2007 10:51 am   Post subject: RE:The Matrix program

cool, but why is there a Smile inthe part with all the 1s and 0s

PostPosted: Tue Jun 05, 2007 12:43 pm   Post subject: RE:The Matrix program

Lol, I made a matrix a while ago myself. Much simpler too Razz


var x : int
x := Rand.Int (0, 1)
delay (1)
put x..
end loop

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:14 pm   Post subject: RE:The Matrix program

found this old link. well hears mine View.Set ("graphic:600;600")

colorback (black)
color (green)

var clr,clrstarter,random : int := green
var ltr:array 1..80 of string
var x, y, speed : array 1 .. 80 of int
var rows : int := 20
for i : 1 .. 80
% randint (x (i), 0, maxx div 15)
x(i):=(i div 2) * 15
randint (y (i), 30, 60)
randint (speed (i), 2, 3)
randint (random,1,5)
if random = 1 then ltr(i):="A"
elsif random = 2 then ltr(i):="B"
elsif random = 3 then ltr(i):="M"
elsif random = 4 then ltr(i):="X"
elsif random = 5 then ltr(i):="5"
end if

end for

for i : 1 .. 80

for j : 1 .. rows
if j = 2 then
clr := white
elsif j=rows-3 then clr:=18
elsif j<rows div 2 then clr:= 121- j div 8
clr := 193 - j div 6
end if
if j = 1 then
% Draw.FillBox (x (i), y (i) * 10, x (i) + 15, 10*(y (i))+ 10, black)
elsif j=rows then Draw.FillBox (x (i), y (i) * 10 + j * 9, x (i) + 15, 10*(y (i))+ j * 10 + 20, black)
Draw.Text (ltr(i), x (i), 10*(y (i)) + j * 10, defFontID, clr)
end if

end for

y (i) -= speed (i)
if y (i) < -20 then
randint (y (i), 30, 60)
randint (random,1,5)
if random = 1 then ltr(i):="A"
elsif random = 2 then ltr(i):="B"
elsif random = 3 then ltr(i):="M"
elsif random = 4 then ltr(i):="X"
elsif random = 5 then ltr(i):="5"
end if
% randint (x (i), 0, maxx)
end if

end for

end loop

PostPosted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 8:50 pm   Post subject: RE:The Matrix program

that was really cool but heres some suggestions:
use randint to make a number and the chr it to make the code look clean also try not to use letters so much
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