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 Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?
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PostPosted: Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:21 pm   Post subject: Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

I was wondering, who here isn't pursuing a career in computer science.

Personally, I can't see me pursuing a career in something I do in my spare time. It isn't really plausible, considering other sciences a lot more than computer science. That being said, I was wondering who else is like this, and what you are going to pursue instead.


I am hoping to pursue a career as a Doctor. More specifically, an internist(specialist in Internal Medicine) with a sub-specialization in Infectious Disease. That might sound kind of bland, but when you look at a list of infectious diseases, it is evident that diagnosis could be challenging. Plus outbreaks and pandemics and such has become evident all around us. As well as new infectious diseases.

To get to med school, I will do an honours degree Biochemistry and Microbiology/Cell Biology at Memorial University of Newfoundland.


Now its your turn. Wink

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:53 am   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Computers are a tool, nothing more. What you use that tool for is the big question. Personally, I want to use computers as a tool for math and physics. Hence, I'm studying mathematical physics at Waterloo, and planning on taking a CS minor, but I haven't really looked at the course requirements for that yet.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 7:44 am   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

i don't intend to pursue a career in computer science.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:00 am   Post subject: Re: Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

building good software is a challenge. it is enough to keep me going.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:01 am   Post subject: Re: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Cervantes @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:53 am wrote:
Computers are a tool, nothing more. What you use that tool for is the big question. Personally, I want to use computers as a tool for math and physics. Hence, I'm studying mathematical physics at Waterloo, and planning on taking a CS minor, but I haven't really looked at the course requirements for that yet.

if you are interested in doing so, i suggest you start looking soon, even if you are first year.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:18 am   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Right now I fully intend on doing a CS major in University (where is another story). I love the feeling you get after solving a problem you thought was unsolvable until you find the right algorithm and it all comes together. I also love knowing what goes on behind the scenes, and I think that taking the time to get a CS Degree (Masters, maybe PhD if things work out right) would give me great insight into that kind of thing. So, I guess you could say yes, I intend on pursuing a career in Computer Science.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:26 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

bugzpodder @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:01 am wrote:
Cervantes @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:53 am wrote:
Computers are a tool, nothing more. What you use that tool for is the big question. Personally, I want to use computers as a tool for math and physics. Hence, I'm studying mathematical physics at Waterloo, and planning on taking a CS minor, but I haven't really looked at the course requirements for that yet.

if you are interested in doing so, i suggest you start looking soon, even if you are first year.

Yeah, for sure. I'll start looking into it this summer.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:30 pm   Post subject: Re: Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

haskell @ Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:21 pm wrote:
Personally, I can't see me pursuing a career in something I do in my spare time.

Oh yeah, that's what I thought when I went into Mechatronics Engineering. That plan backfired though. I've ended up taking jobs as software developer every co-op workterm anyways. Now I'm changing my major back into Computer Science. So yeah, I fully intend to pursue a career in CS.
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PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:06 pm   Post subject: Re: Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

haskell @ Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:21 pm wrote:
I am hoping to pursue a career as a Doctor. More specifically, an internist(specialist in Internal Medicine) with a sub-specialization in Infectious Disease.

Hey, hey, same here. Though I'm not too sure where I wanna specialize in. I'm planning on doing a degree in Medical Sciences at the University of Western Ontario for my pre-med. Just out of curiosity, do you have an idea where you want to get your MD at?

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:26 pm   Post subject: Re: Who Here Isn't Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

haskell @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 12:21 am wrote:
Personally, I can't see me pursuing a career in something I do in my spare time.

The neat thing about pursuing a career in something you like to do in your spare time, is that you get to do something you love. How many people go into a program because it has a good earning potential? I've personally met too many. When you can do something you love, and make money for it....I personally think that's just awesome.

I've had no clue what I wanted to do after highschool. For an entire semester, I lost motivation and ended up failing 3 courses in the last semester of grade 11. However, when I took grade 11 computer engineering in grade 12, and discovered programming and then later, computer science, I got all my motivation back. I finally had something worth pursuing....and now I go to the University of Guelph for a degree in compsci. Of course, I did have to take an extra year of highschool...but shhhh, it was a victory lap Razz

I could see myself pursuing other physics, psychology...or even philosophy, but so far, I'm loving computer science. I'll probably end up minoring in one of the three things I mentioned, though.

@haskell: It is cool that you want to be a doctor, though. I considered that at one point, but I couldn't even become a life guard, because I didn't want other peoples lives to depend on me. Good luck Smile

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:33 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

Clayton @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:18 am wrote:
Right now I fully intend on doing a CS major in University (where is another story). I love the feeling you get after solving a problem you thought was unsolvable until you find the right algorithm and it all comes together. I also love knowing what goes on behind the scenes, and I think that taking the time to get a CS Degree (Masters, maybe PhD if things work out right) would give me great insight into that kind of thing. So, I guess you could say yes, I intend on pursuing a career in Computer Science.

its never about finding the right algorithm, its always about designing an algorithm

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 2:05 pm   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

@ HellblazerX: I was hoping for McGill. I recommend checking it out: here . However, wherever I get accepted is great for me. And its great seeing someone who is hoping to take the same path Smile. Maybe we'll cross paths someday? You can contact me if you'd like, MSN>ALK:

@ Bobrobyn: Its a natural step. I work best under-pressure, and I have a really great memory for things, meaning I could remember the disorders, symptoms, and make a logical diagnosis. Programming helped feed my logical mind, but it is a hobby, and I am very off and on with it. I love chemistry and biology, and applying it in a challenging field that is very respected is something I'm very into. The money isn't what I'm going for, its the opportunity. As a doctor, I could teach if I wanted to, conduct research, and apply everything in a way to actual give back to a world I've taken so much from.

The thing is to pursue your dreams. We all have motives for pursuing our dreams. But always follow your instincts, because if you don't, you could end up in the hole with a job you hate.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 3:11 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

bugzpodder @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 1:33 pm wrote:
Clayton @ Thu Apr 12, 2007 11:18 am wrote:
Right now I fully intend on doing a CS major in University (where is another story). I love the feeling you get after solving a problem you thought was unsolvable until you find the right algorithm and it all comes together. I also love knowing what goes on behind the scenes, and I think that taking the time to get a CS Degree (Masters, maybe PhD if things work out right) would give me great insight into that kind of thing. So, I guess you could say yes, I intend on pursuing a career in Computer Science.

its never about finding the right algorithm, its always about designing an algorithm

In context, I think that's what Clayton meant... That is how I read it anyway.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:22 pm   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

For me, well...I have two things I want to do right now...but I don't which one I really want to do. I really like to program but I really like to play music. I have good grades in both classes, both marks are about the same.

There are two things that I like to do. I like to play music and try to find connections between music and how the notes might make somethings, like colours, waves, meanings of life etc. From my analysis I like to compose music that would invisibly produce things, like a piece of visual art.

I also like to solve problems in math, computer science, and other math related subjects. I am good at mapping out an entire program and it's code in my head in about five minutes (There may be errors and it would take longer for more complex programs). I like to create ideas in my mind (I hate actually planning them on paper). I am very good at math related subjects, and I enjoy it.

So to be honest I really don't know what I want to do. I have courses lined up so that I can take either path (Or both if I can). I don't know what university I want to go to yet. (If anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate that. I live in Ontario, and I would prefer a school within those boundaries).

Maybe I'll pursue both and become a Programming Musician, or something like that.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 12, 2007 5:30 pm   Post subject: RE:Who Here Isn\'t Going to Pursue a Career in Computer Science?

I'm either going to be a programmer, CG artist or just a cop. I have a lot of doors open to me but I like the idea of being a computer programming masta.
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