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 Passing objects as parameters[Java]
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PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 12:02 pm   Post subject: Passing objects as parameters[Java]

Ok. I'm making a game of poker in Java. I have several class including one called Card. This clas contains card information about one card. So then in theory, there will be 9 Card objects in the game/per round. Thats fine.

Here's my problem, I need to pass the Card object around to do various things (checking for conbinations of cards, checking for duplicate card, etc). When I pass my object (or print it out), I get null. Clearly i'm doing something wrong. Here the one of the problem methods:

private void dealHands(){

Card [] handCards = new Card[4]; //Array to hold the four cards
boolean isDuplicate = true;

//The code block below ensures that duplicate cards have not been generated.
for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++){ //Loops through the handCards array.

isDuplicate = true;

while(isDuplicate){ //Loops through each card until a non-duplicate is selected

if ( gameTable.checkDuplicate( handCards[c] ) ){ //Checks to see if the card generated has already been drawn


} else {

gameTable.updateDuplicateList( handCards[c] );
isDuplicate = false;

} //End isDupilicate if check

}//End isDuplicate while check

} //End handCards Loop

//Assigns the cards to the players. By this point, cards generated are non-duplicates
user.addCardsToHand( handCards[0], handCards[2] );
theBot.addCardsToHand( handCards[1], handCards[3] );
//Add the AI hand cards to AI database (Hippcampas/brain)
brain.addAICards( handCards[1], handCards[3] );

//Output the user's cards
System.out.println("The two cards you draw are:");
System.out.println( handCards[0].readYourself() );
System.out.println( handCards[2].readYourself() );

}//End dealHands

The card values (suit and numbered value) gets determined on creating by the constructer. If it's a duplicate, I call a method in Card to regenerate the card values.

Unfortunetly, every time I print out or pass handCards[c], i get a null value. And of course when i'm playing with a null object, i get a null pointer exepetion. The call to checkDuplicate always has a null parameter.

Could someone please explain to me what i'm doing wrong. Thanks a lot.

p.s; some of you (very few) might remeber me making this project with a Neural AI. Well that's still in the making, only I have to get the whole basic game play down. Current project LOC: ~1,500

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Passing objects as parameters[Java]


other than that, I'm guessing that your objects are not being initialized before that loop, in which case your pointers are indeed NULL.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:18 pm   Post subject: RE:Passing objects as parameters[Java]

The Cards aren't being constructed. It looks like you are relying on this code:


Card [] handCards = new Card[4]; //Array to hold the four cards

to create the cards, but it does not call the constructors on each card, it gives each card a null value until you construct it. This should fix it:


for (int c = 0; c < 4; c++){ //Loops through the handCards array.

/* The following line is what I added */
handCards[c] = new Card();

isDuplicate = true;

while(isDuplicate){ //Loops through each card until a non-duplicate is selected

if ( gameTable.checkDuplicate( handCards[c] ) ){ //Checks to see if the card generated has already been drawn


} else {

Edit: Clayton beat me to it.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 08, 2007 6:22 pm   Post subject: Re: RE:Passing objects as parameters[Java]

Clayton @ Sun Apr 08, 2007 1:07 pm wrote:

other than that, I'm guessing that your objects are not being initialized before that loop, in which case your pointers are indeed NULL.

1.Code was indented but i copy and pasted to post from a different forum so indenting got fucked.

2. So I can't create objects like that. I have to loop? Well that's cool. Thanks a lot fellers! Very Happy
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