Well, I finally got the chance and time to quickly upload this. Comments and suggestions are more than welcome. The teacher suggested that I recode the game in C++ for next year but I'm not too sure how easy that'll be so I'll just wait and see first hah!
Was thinking of possibly making a two-player mode for this game as well but it all depends on how much free time I have the rest of this semester I guess, considering of course it's much more difficult than my last.
Credits don't work because I don't feel good posting several of my friends names online without their permission regardless of whether a few of them care or not. I personally don't like giving out my full name on the net so I made a small edit to this version for anyone I send it to which has my name on the menu only including my first name and last initial, along with the credit proc being removed altogether.... so you can still have fun putting your mouse on and off of the credits font but seeing it have no function when you click that mouse button .
One final thing. There is a small amount of cheat codes I added when I came near the finishing of my game to both make things more interesting and fun, and also help me code and test bugs faster. The list is right here if anyone wants the cheats (Although I would enjoy for you to not resort to this list first thing...) :
ILOVEHEALTH - Provides 9,999,999 health
AMMOFTW - Provides 9,999,999 bullets to use
PLASMABULLETS - Enables Plasma bullets on the ship
IWANTBOSS - Starts game against boss
HELPME - Enables Shield System
PEWPEWPEW - Enables Trifire shooting
KACHING - Provides $50,000 to spend
* Highscores do not register for the game that you activate cheats for. Each time you die, cheats are turned off and you can continue playing the game for a highscore. You must re-enter cheat codes each time you die if you want to continue using any of them.
** Cheats are case sensitive.
There's the link, sorry the one in the previous thread didn't work. I wanted to make a fresh thread for the new link.