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 Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested
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Mr. Gruntsworthy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:29 am   Post subject: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Currently I am working on a Game Design Document for a very interesting game. It's basically a sprite version of Super Smash Brothers. In Essence, the goal is to have 50 playable characters (I already have the sprite sheets), at least 30 levels, p2p online multiplayer (as well, if i can i'm going to write a dedicated server app), and single player.

You may or may not have played Super Smash Flash on or a similar site. That game was done in Flash. The game I'm talking about is going to be built from the ground up, and is going to be slightly more complex than that flash version (as well, it's going to have a more 'mature' feel to it).

This is a SERIOUS project consideration and is going to be permanently added to my portfolio. This game project is going to be our game group Randomation's break out into the games industry. Of course, this game must and will be freeware due to the fact that we have no rights whatsoever on any of the characters to be used.

If anyone is interested, that's what this thread is for, to give you a little light information on the whole project. I already have some people who are interested, and I'm looking for more, specifically programmers (as i'm just learning C++ and I'm not that knowledgeable in this field yet).

The specific types of people (in ranking order) we're looking for are:

1)C++ programmers
2)Audio composer (preferrably techno style)
3)advertisers/marketers (for advertising the game around once the project is underway)

Now, let me clearly state again: This is a SERIOUS project of mine, and is no laughing matter. Those who are involved in the project will be given deadlines (relatively loose at first, but will become more defined as the project develops). Those involved will also recieve a complete copy of the game design document, and are expected to post on/check the Randomations forums once a day. As well, due to the fact that this is a freeware game, and that neither me nor any other member of Randomations has any money to spare, this game will be a non profit game.

Those who reply to this thread, do not make posts that negatively impacts or otherwise inuslts Randomations and it's project. This thread is for those interested, and you are not one of those people, I ask you to kindly leave so you can continue perusing the forums and not have to waste your time and mine by needlessly posting comments that aren't directly related to what this thread's asking. Thank you for your time, and I hope I get some replies.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 1:35 pm   Post subject: RE:Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

You may take this as a negative comment, but it isn't and it's worth saying regardless of what you think. Releasing the game of freeware doesn't mean that you're allowed to use work that belongs to other people without getting their permission. You'll need to either get permission from the owner(s) or make your own.

You say that this is a serious project, and that you'll be using it for your portfolio. Why not look into recruiting some artists to help? 2D sprites shouldn't be so bad, and CS students aren't the only ones who like the idea of making games.

Another idea is to see if there's a gamedev group or igda chapter where you live. You may be able to learn alot from them.

Lastly, can I just ask how old you are? I don't mean to sound like a dick and say that kids don't have the skills to make a game, I just want to get an idea of how much time you and your friends will be able to devote to the project along with school and stuff.
Mr. Gruntsworthy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:11 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

I am 17 years of age, soon to be 18. I will be starting college (hopefully) this september, so my schedule will be fairly busy, but not enough to stop me from dedicating some time to working on this game.

Your points are duly noted; however to your one point I must reply: As long as the credit is given to the proper companies, and the owners of the respective rights declared, i don't think the game will violate any laws; unless you're talking about the sprites being rips. I will have to look into that.

Besides, as freeware, it is free to distribute without cost, therefore not violating any copyright laws.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:47 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

maybe you should actually look into copyright laws.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:52 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

not to mention that 99% of such projects end in failure.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:54 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Mr. Gruntsworthy @ Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:11 pm wrote:
Your points are duly noted; however to your one point I must reply: As long as the credit is given to the proper companies, and the owners of the respective rights declared, i don't think the game will violate any laws; unless you're talking about the sprites being rips. I will have to look into that.
To be honest, the main reason why you ever see copyright notices on a product from companies other than that which produced said product is because they licensed something from other companies. You may not be selling the game, but you still do not own the property. It's like using somebody's belongings for your own use without permission, it's called stealing. It does not matter if you are charging them to use it or not.

Mr. Gruntsworthy @ Thu Feb 08, 2007 3:11 pm wrote:
Besides, as freeware, it is free to distribute without cost, therefore not violating any copyright laws.
That means absolutely nothing, other than the fact that you made no money for them to come after. They may still decided to sue you anyways.

Creating something similar may or may not be legal, depending on how you do it. Using the same names and very similar or identical characters is just asking for a takedown notice.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 4:00 pm   Post subject: RE:Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Copyright infringement != stealing. However that doesn't make it good either.

I too think you might want to try something simpler; as I deem your chances of success to be ~ 0.01%
Mr. Gruntsworthy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:18 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Alright, then explain something. Halo Zero, a 2-D halo game made by a game design group in France that's far more known than my Randomations. They never got permission from Bungie.

The super smash flash game that came out. Same deal.

I see games and stuff based on these Intellectual Properties all the time. Mine will be no different, other than it will be alot more detailed, thought out, and complex.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 5:52 pm   Post subject: RE:Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Just because others break the law doesn't mean you can. In fact since you are so pro-breaking copyright law if I ever suspect that you have used any of my code in this game of yours I will sue the pants off you for copyright infringement.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:07 pm   Post subject: RE:Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Let's just relax. Mr. Gruntsworthy if you change your artwork I think everyone will stop complaining.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:13 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

ericfourfour: md brings up a good point, if anyone found out that their code/artwork has been stolen/used without their permission (especially if said work is from a big company), Mr.Gruntsworthy should expect to be getting some very serious phone calls.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:45 pm   Post subject: RE:Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

My issue with that artwork is that you're distributing something that somebody else made. It doesn't matter if you aren't charging, you need their permission (did they give it to the public domain, license it as GPL or CC?).

No, they may not bother to sue you. In many cases, it isn't worth their time to hunt down small groups. At most, companies tend to just send cease and desist letters. That's if they even notice you. BUT, you want to take this seriously, so don't discredit your hard work by tossing in graphics that mean nothing to you.

It can be done. It'll be hard as hell, harder than you think (seriously, I have been [and still am] in the same boat), but keep at it. Read everything you can find, and make sure you learn what you need to know properly before trying to jump into making a game.

Good luck with everything.
Mr. Gruntsworthy

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:50 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Halo zero contains custom sprites; it is a perfectly legal game. as well, the super smash flash breaks no laws. Prove me wrong. It's not a flame, just I want to be sure that what you say is true. I want supporting evidence.

If making custom sprites is the solution, then I'm also going to be looking for custom spriters.

and as far as the code goes, i'll only use what people write specifically for the game--not something that someone else has written.

and, sorry to say, unless your code is part of a patented program, or otherwise legally protected by you, it is just code that can be used at will. That is not, however, to say that I would do such a thing--if i need code, I will ask for permission.

I am still doing this project regardless.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 10:23 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Mr. Gruntsworthy @ Thu Feb 08, 2007 9:50 pm wrote:
and, sorry to say, unless your code is part of a patented program, or otherwise legally protected by you, it is just code that can be used at will.

Any code you (or I) write is protected.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 08, 2007 11:33 pm   Post subject: Re: Randomations Game Project. A serious project, looking for those interested

Mr. Gruntsworthy wrote:

Halo zero contains custom sprites; it is a perfectly legal game. as well, the super smash flash breaks no laws. Prove me wrong. It's not a flame, just I want to be sure that what you say is true. I want supporting evidence.

If making custom sprites is the solution, then I'm also going to be looking for custom spriters.

and as far as the code goes, i'll only use what people write specifically for the game--not something that someone else has written.

and, sorry to say, unless your code is part of a patented program, or otherwise legally protected by you, it is just code that can be used at will. That is not, however, to say that I would do such a thing--if i need code, I will ask for permission.

I am still doing this project regardless.

If it is US that you are worried about not being "serious" about your plan, i think you should rethink your Professionalism in the matter. Code is a big deal to many companies, and even individuals. you cant just "ask permission" to use code, it doesnt exactly work that way.

Now, if you were to ask for a concerted effort to help with the coding of your game, then by all means, go ahead. But what it sounds like you're planning is to use other people's already made programs, pick them apart and make them into a clusterfuck of a program that you're going to pass off as your own. Not something ANYONE will be happy with.
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