const C_OF_B := 12
const C_OF_B2 := 12
const NUMOFBALLS := 1000
const PROX := 11
const EX_SIZE := 400
const SIZE := 3
const M_S := 20
const MIDX := maxx div 2
const MIDY := maxy div 2
var Xm, Ym, Click : int
const SPEED := 9
var Length : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of real4
var X : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var Dx : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var Y : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var Dy : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var C : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var SX : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
var SY : array 1 .. NUMOFBALLS of int
process Clear
delay (500)
end loop
end Clear
setscreen ("graphics:max,max,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,nocursor")
for Index : 1 .. NUMOFBALLS
Y (Index) := 1
X (Index) := 1
randint (C (Index), 1, 15)
end for
colorback (7)
%fork Clear
mousewhere (Xm, Ym, Click)
for Index : 1 .. NUMOFBALLS
Length (Index) := sqrt ((X (Index) - Xm) ** 2 + (Y (Index) - Ym) ** 2)
SX (Index) := X (Index) - Xm
SY (Index) := Y (Index) - Ym
end for
if Click = 0 then
for Index : 1 .. NUMOFBALLS
if Length (Index) > PROX then
Dx (Index) := SX (Index) div (Length (Index) div SPEED)
Dy (Index) := SY (Index) div (Length (Index) div SPEED)
end if
end for
for Index : 1 .. NUMOFBALLS
if Length (Index) > PROX then
Dx (Index) := 0
Dy (Index) := 0
Dx (Index) := - (SX (Index) div (Length (Index) div SPEED))
Dy (Index) := - (SY (Index) div (Length (Index) div SPEED))
end if
end for
end if
% drawfilloval (Xm, Ym, M_S, M_S, C_OF_B2)
for Index : 1 .. NUMOFBALLS
X (Index) := X (Index) + (Dx (Index))
Y (Index) := Y (Index) + (Dy (Index))
if /*Length (Index) > EX_SIZE then */ X (Index) > maxx + 200 or X (Index) < -200 or
Y (Index) > maxy + 200 or Y (Index) < -200 then
randint (X (Index), Xm - 40, Xm + 40)
randint (Y (Index), Ym - 40, Ym + 40)
Length (Index) := sqrt ((X (Index) - Xm) ** 2 + (Y (Index) - Ym) ** 2)
exit when Length (Index) > 4
end loop
end if
%drawline (X (Index), Y (Index), Xm, Ym, C_OF_B)
%drawoval (Xm, Ym, EX_SIZE, EX_SIZE, C_OF_B2)
if Click = 1 then
drawfilloval (Xm, Ym, 2, 2, 12)
end if
drawfilloval (X (Index), Y (Index), SIZE, SIZE, C (Index))
% drawfilloval (X (Index), Y (Index), SIZE, SIZE, C_OF_B)
end for
exit when hasch
end loop