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 Sniper game
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 24, 2006 11:13 am   Post subject: Sniper game

This is a program I made a while ago. The point of it is to shoot one of the stick people in the head.Don't worry it isn't that violent. The program then displays what guy you shot and asks you if you want to try again.

use the mouse to aim and click to shoot.


var X, Y : int
var X2, Y2 : int
var bloodx, bloody : int
var YesNo : string (3)
var xm, ym, button : int
const Midx := maxx div 2
var LegAngle : int
var Stop, Stop2 : boolean := false
var StopCount, StopCount2 : int := 0
var LegAngle2 : int
    LegAngle2 := 5
    LegAngle := 10

    X2 := Midx + 100
    X := Midx - 10
    Y2 := 50
    Y := 50
    Stop := false
    Stop2 := false
    StopCount := 0
    StopCount2 := 0
    var Shot1, Shot2 : boolean := false

    setscreen ("graphics:max,200,position:center;center,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,title:..." +
        repeat (" ", maxcol div 2) + "SNIPER" + repeat (" ", 40))
    colorback (black)

        if Stop = false and Stop2 = false then
            X := X - 1
            LegAngle := LegAngle + 1

            X2 := X2 + 1
            LegAngle2 := LegAngle + 1

        end if

        if LegAngle > 10 then
            LegAngle := -LegAngle
        end if
        if X + 20 <= -20 then
            X := maxx + 20
        end if

        if LegAngle2 > 10 then
            LegAngle2 := -LegAngle2
        end if
        if X2 - 20 >= maxx + 20 then
            X2 := -20
        end if

        drawdot (X, Y, 0)
        drawoval (X, Y + 50, 5, 5, 0)
        drawline (X, Y + 45, X, Y + 25, 0)
        drawdot (X - 2, Y + 52, 0)
        drawline (X, Y + 40, X - LegAngle, Y + 20, 0)
        drawline (X, Y + 40, X + LegAngle, Y + 20, 0)
        drawline (X, Y + 25, X - LegAngle, Y, 0)
        drawline (X, Y + 25, X + LegAngle, Y, 0)
        drawfilloval (X - LegAngle + 2, Y, 2, 1, 0)
        drawfilloval (X + LegAngle - 2, Y, 2, 1, 0)

        drawline (1, 45, maxx, 45, 0)
        drawdot (X2, Y2, 0)
        drawoval (X2, Y2 + 50, 5, 5, 15)
        drawdot (X2 + 2, Y2 + 52, 0)
        drawline (X2, Y2 + 45, X2, Y2 + 25, 15)
        drawline (X2, Y2 + 40, X2 - LegAngle2, Y2 + 20, 15)
        drawline (X2, Y2 + 40, X2 + LegAngle2, Y2 + 20, 15)
        drawline (X2, Y2 + 25, X2 - LegAngle2, Y2, 15)
        drawline (X2, Y2 + 25, X2 + LegAngle2, Y2, 15)
        drawfillbox (X2 - 7, Y2 + 54, X2 + 7, Y2 + 55, brown)

        drawfillbox (X2 - 3, Y2 + 56, X2 + 3, Y2 + 64, brown)
        drawfilloval (X2 - LegAngle2 + 2, Y2, 2, 1, brown)
        drawfilloval (X2 + LegAngle2 - 2, Y2, 2, 1, brown)

        Mouse.Where (xm, ym, button)
        if xm >= X - 5 and xm <= X + 5 and ym >= Y + 45 and ym <= Y + 50 and button = 1 then
            drawfilloval (xm, ym, 2, 2, 12)

            Shot1 := true
        elsif xm >= X2 - 5 and xm <= X2 + 5 and ym >= Y2 + 45 and ym <= Y2 + 50 and button = 1 then
            Shot2 := true
        elsif button = 1 then
        end if

        if X2 + 30 = X then

            Stop := true

        end if
        if X + 100 = X2 then

            Stop2 := true

        end if
        if StopCount >= 100 and StopCount < 200 then
            locatexy (X + 10, Y + 100)
            color (0)
            put "Hello "
                StopCount >= 300 and StopCount <= 400 then
            locatexy (X2 + 10, Y2 + 100)
            put "Hi"
        end if
        if StopCount2 >= 100 and StopCount2 < 200 then
            locatexy (X + 10, Y + 100)
            color (0)
            put "Bye "
                StopCount2 >= 300 and StopCount2 <= 400 then
            locatexy (X2 + 10, Y2 + 100)
            put "See ya later"
        end if
        drawoval (xm, ym, 40, 20, 10)
        drawline (xm + 40, ym, xm - 40, ym, 10)
        drawline (xm, ym + 20, xm, ym - 20, 10)
        drawfilloval (xm, ym, 2, 2, 12)
        if StopCount >= 401 then
            Stop := false
            StopCount := 0
        end if

        if StopCount2 >= 401 then
            Stop := false
            Stop2 := false
            StopCount2 := 0

        end if

        delay (15)
        exit when Shot1 = true or Shot2 = true
        if Stop = true then
            StopCount := StopCount + 1
        end if
        if Stop2 = true then
            StopCount2 := StopCount2 + 1

        end if
        color (10)

    end loop
    if Shot1 = false and Shot2 = false then
        color (10)
        locate (1, 1)
        put "You Missed"
        sound (200, 100)
    elsif Shot1 = true then

        for Blood : 1 .. 50
            randint (bloodx, xm - 10, xm + 10)
            randint (bloody, ym - 10, ym + 10)
            drawdot (bloodx, bloody, 12)

        end for
        drawfilloval (xm, ym, 3, 3, 12)
        drawfilloval (xm, ym, 1, 1, 7)
        sound (200, 100)
        color (0)
        locate (1, 1)
        put "You shot the white guy"
    elsif Shot2 = true then
        drawfilloval (xm, ym, 3, 3, 12)
        drawfilloval (xm, ym, 1, 1, 7)
        for Blood : 1 .. 50
            randint (bloodx, xm - 10, xm + 10)
            randint (bloody, ym - 10, ym + 10)
            drawdot (bloodx, bloody, 12)
        end for
        sound (200, 100)
        color (15)
        locate (1, 1)
        put "You shot the grey guy"

    end if

    locate (2, 1)
    put "Would You like to try again? (y/n) "
    get YesNo
    exit when YesNo = "n"
end loop


PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 2:28 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

hey here a beter one

var winID : int
winID := Window.Open ("position:top;center,graphics:200;200")

var X, Y : int
var X2, Y2 : int
var bloodx, bloody : int
var YesNo :char
var xm, ym, button : int
const Midx := maxx div 2
var LegAngle : int
var Stop, Stop2 :

 Filename:  snipe.t
 Filesize:  4.65 KB
 Downloaded:  152 Time(s)


PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 5:07 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

hey here a beter one

no it really isn't. Wanna know why? Because it doesn't work. Your collision detection doesn't work

PostPosted: Mon Nov 13, 2006 6:33 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

it basically the same thing
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