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cool dude

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:27 am   Post subject: RAM

i was actually thinking of adding more RAM to my laptop. i'm pretty sure i know how to because i did it on computers before and i'm guessing it should be the same. i just have a few questions before i buy it.

1)without opening my laptop case is there any way of knowing the type of RAM i have? and are 2 different types compatible?

2)how would i know how much my laptop can handle RAM? because i could either add 1 GB RAM stick or 512 MB RAM stick but if i add 1 GB it might be too much so how can i tell?

3)would adding 512 MB RAM make much of a difference?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 11:46 am   Post subject: (No subject)

the manufacturer's website should tell you the type; and hte manual should tell you the maximum amount supported by the comuter. As for how much, that depends on how much you have now.

I use linux; so memory isn't nearly as short for me as it would be if I was running windows... but I'd say 1.5-2gb is enough ram fow windows; whereas 1gb will be more then enough for your average linux setup. When I used to run windows I managed to use up all of my 1.25GB of ram, linux uses on average 400MB. And linux is doing WAY more.

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 12:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

First question, of course, look up the manual or company website, or just google search, should be easy enough. I am not sure what do you mean by 2 different types. Do you mean, brands, or clock speed, DDR 400 vs DDR 333? if it is clock speed case, usually it should be ok, the faster one will run at the slower one's speed. Not a problem I say. However, try to avoid it if you can though.
Second question, usually laptops can handle 2 gig of RAM, so make sure you dont' go over that.
Last question, it really depends, from my experience, I must say laptops should have at least 1 gig of ram. 512 mb is really tight. It is a good boost from 512 mb to 1 gig, but after that, 1 gig to 1.5 or 2 gig. You probably won't notice the difference, only about 5% or less for desktops at least.
lol, at last, if you have enough money, get as much as possible, it never hurts. Very Happy

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 1:06 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

concerning whether or not 512 will make a difference...

what kinds of things will you be doing with the computer?

Any amount of ram can handle word processing, internet etc. In these applications you likely will not notice a difference. However, if you are a heavy gamer or run memory intensive applications such as ones required for ...say engineering, adding ram will produce a significant difference.
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