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 A question for the Epic WoWers.
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:42 am   Post subject: A question for the Epic WoWers.

How do you actually play World of Warcraft? I mean, aside from that endless grinding (work as opposed to play) that I hate, how do you spend time going through > 1 hour long instances, raids, and frigging PVP? If somebody asks for your help with something, or wants to talk to you, do you drop the game (knowing that you're just leaving the group you were with, probably getting AFKd out of whatever, and possibly being labelled as "unreliable") or do you tell them to fuck off?

How much fun do you have playing the game, and does the fun count for more than the countless hours you put into it?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:05 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I whould say that if you play the noraml way that billzard and the WoW comunity whould have you play then it whould be no fun and boring as hell. Realy there is no point and the GMs and staff only care about moeny.

I will save you a long rant about it i have posted befor but in short WoW has somthing we have never seen befor in RPGs and you can make the game fun. But you will have to stop caring about dieing since the game is horbaly unbalcned.

Either way real life allways comes first for me, this may mean never competing a 3 day instance or finshing an AV bg from start to finsh with indreictly means never geting the loot from it. But i play a shaow presits so my only useable gear comes from pvp any how, tho that is even more crazy to get the highest rank on the server to get some virutal item.

The truth of it all is that you will never get the best weaponds or be better then a larg gorup of peoleop unless you are will to scarcfice your a big part of your life. I say there is alot of fun to be had in the game, just don't make it an wast of unfun time by thinking you will adveatly get the super epic 1337 weapond that takes 30 days with out sleep and peeing in a cup to get.

P.S. if you are talking about telling peoleop in the game to **** off then i do that all the time, the game is full of 10 year olds with no lives and that is what the ingore list is for Wink
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:26 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I meant telling people in real life to fuck off (perhaps not those exact words, but the same idea).
Yeah, I really wanted to see what the playing habits of "hardcore" players is like, and more importantly, how they feel about it.

Personally, I can't get much further than level 30. I started a warlock first, it was kind of fun, then everything gets repetitive. I stopped playing for a while, pick up the game again and reached level 32, before getting bored and starting a hunter. I got the hunter to level 31 and got bored again. Going back to the warlock, it was still boring as hell.
I was running around killing rats when some group asked me to run an instance with them. First, it took like twenty minutes just to *get* there, and the whole time we were inside I couldn't help but think "are we almost done yet"?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 10:47 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Indeed, the hole game is almost made soley for hardcore players. I manged to get to level 60 but i did it slowly and most played with peoleop who where in the same room as me and allready had level 60 chars to power level me.

Now i just play the fast battle grounds like AB and WSG when i have some free time and do a litte ganking of select gorups when i am pissed off. Even tho i do not play that much i am still increasing in pvp rank but i am shure that will stop by rank 8.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:16 am   Post subject: (No subject)

So what's this "instance" you speak of?

Having never played it, I can't say specifically for WoW, but I must say that the whole aspect of MMORPGs gets very boring very fast. After a certain point, it just becomes "gotta play for another 6 hours to get to lvl 40", which keeps masses of people playing (and paying) for games like WoW. I must say that any game which is 90% clicking and waiting (aka. leveling up) has to be considered a waste of your time, and not 'fun'.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 05, 2006 12:19 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I played it on cracked servers, WOW I got bored in the first 5 minutes... xD But I'm guessing thats because there were only 105 people on that server, and most of them were far away from the start point Razz

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:53 am   Post subject: (No subject)

I wouldn't really call myself an addict, but i sometimes enjoy the game . . sometimes. Right now im somewhat, trapt in amherstburg at my dads house waiting for this job that im getting set up with for the past 2 weeks.

Needless to say, i've probabily spent about 6 hours a day on it for roughly . . 7 days of playing (not everyday i play it).

PvP isn't much of an issue - so what, you die every once in a while - so you get the town after that guy, but dieng, omg talk about a waste of time.

I mean, you would think the advantage would be, being able to get to your body while passing 100 guys (which takes an hour to kill) with no one bothering you. But no, ressurecting is - which sometimes it is.

But ~10 minutes of being fucking useless!!!!!???? What the helllll bobby?

And i know by now i would have quit if i wasn't a hunter because i cant stand to walk so damn slow for some of those quests - my 30% helps sometimes.

But i do understand why the guys are so difficult to defeat. If you have a jam packed server with 12 guys doing the same quest, and each guy can waste 2 guys at a time no problem, then the quest would be nothin.

But i personally HATE instances. All you get out of them is good items. Exp sucks. But the items dropped are always the same - boring.

But kinda like Dan, i am always signed up for WSG and will drop any quest/group im with to go to it.

One of the things i highly approve of is the Auction House - aka my money maker. When i need some money, and I have a few gold to spare i buyout items that everyone sells for high, that someguy is selling for uber cheap, then i sell it for the mean. I also look for people who put auctions up for like 10+gold, but the bidding start is about 50 silver - then do the same as above. Gotta spend money to make money Wink

But yeah, my pathetic life out here bores me to the point where i get 10 hours of sleep play games, eat and go back to bed - waiting. It has literally drained the life out of me. I dont want to program, i dont want to do anything, but have a character do it for me.

Video Games are drugs.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:20 pm   Post subject: (No subject)


------------ok, some of this might be obscene rambling, so if somthing needs to be skipped, feel free to do so. I kinda get off track when I try to make a point.

Yeah mazer, I played WoW for a good while too, but i could never really acually get much past 40, since it bored the hell outta me. I cant say that I havnt tried either, ive had at LEAST one of every class to level 20 or above. Got a warrior and hunter to 40-45 and that was basically it. Once you get higher, quests become more... rare? And when you do find them, they are hardly enough to get you enough experience to get up to the next set of quests, so your forced to grind all the more. And on that, most quests can basically be dumbed down to 'go grind this, then come back for a boost of experience'. The game has its high points, but damn, I cant find any fun within the game anymore, seeing as how its just a mass grind for hours on end, consuming your life.

And gandalf, instances are like dungeons that you go in with a set group of people that no1 else can bother your group in, so you dont get ganked by opposing faction, or killsteal'd. its usually for fighting elite guys that you couldnt normally kill on your own, (massive HP) so it requires a group effort. They are usually long and tedious, but can be fun if your entire party can stay together through item-greed and deaths (getting back to a instance is also maddening, without a res, that is)

I do agree, I've had to (basically) say F**k off a few times for guild meetings (and lottery Very Happy) and after a while i just gave up. Paying so much a month to work on some character that, even when at the max level, wont be up to par with the people who have been there for 10+ months are are so addicted to the game that they havnt stopped grabbing crap--that makes the endgame pvp more of a wait-until-your-rigged thing. Cant do much if your still using anti-creep stuff, or lower level pvp when your fighting people who have nothing better to do than deck themselves out.

well, the games good if you have hours upon hours to waste on it, knowing that your main goal in it is going to be grind or mass quests from all over the globe (very hard unless youve played every area enough to know where to get the quests and what is worth doing)

Oh, and another bad thing, BLIZZARDS DOWNLOADER!!!
(The main reason why I left WoW) It cannot download unless you have a stable connection (Well, at least for me). My internet has a habit of turning itself off at random intervalts for no aparent reason, so I have to find their mirror sites, which either dont open, work, or have a hour + waiting time. And, with my lovely net, It takes a good 12 hours to download their LOVELY 10-20 mb patches, I lose some big game time.

Well, to anyone who still plays it, good luck to you, its a good game, ESPECIALLY if you've played warcraft 3 / warcraft 3 tft, since you know wtf is going on and can drool at how well they formed it into a mmo.

For me, I think I will stick with Warcraft 3 tft. It has a endless amount of new custom games, and you acually feel like you've accomplished somthing when you win a good number of rated melees, since that win / loss is recorded, and there are a huge number of rewards for winning multiple. To get all of the icons for when in channels and whatnot, you'd have to play a grand total (i may be off by a couple of thousand Razz) of like 7500 games and i think somewhere around 750 turoment games (using assorted races / random). Can someone say... replayability? random teams always brings somthing new and intresting into the mix (especially with blizzards horrid maching system)

Edit: (right after its posted, heh)
A few more things that jolted into my mind:
Takes forever to get anywhere, especially if you find yourself without a fly point. Classes such as warrior have to wait until level 40 to be able to go faster in the slightest bit. Most other classes have somthing small to help them get about, but its all crap when your going snail speed across the map just to find yourself a waypoint or whatnot. I know about the hearthstones, but damn, I never have them where I need them.

One little thing that made me sad was the MASSIVE dissapointment with fist weapons. There are only a few in the entire game. The ones from vendor, a few super-rare ones and the bloody brass knuckles that some poor soul is always trying to sell in auction house. It would be nice if they had more, but even thats not enough. The hand weapons look horrible. I've seen brass knuckles, and whatnot, and they look a whole lot better than whats depicted in the game. Claw weapons look even worse, ( think assassin from diablo 2, now THAT was good hand weapon usage)

Edit2: Oh, and the character movement for when on mounts (including flight) their back is stiff as a damn board... they should have put more work into it, like have them move WITH it. e.i. night elf mount, as it runs, cuts chunks off players thighs. It needs so much damn work, to make it look as if they are acually riding the mount, not someone going /sit and the moutn moving. I think if they showed some damn initiative and did that, (noticed how horribly they did it and fixed it) I might acually un-freeze my account. But seeing as how they are happy where it is shit, I refuse to rejoin. They make no effort as long as they have the mindless bulk playing, paying, and grinding Very Happy.(Sadly)

Oh, and also, they have, over time, reduced the size of letters you're allowed to write in the ingame tickets, so that the help people dont have to listen to too much of your S**t, and will keep you to the point. But hey, when theres somthing really damn important and it takes more than a paragraph to explain? christ, they are evil!

And if anyone has complaints about swearing (not including exessive swearing, racist coments or sexist bs), please, for the love of god, put your censor back on. Another reason why I dont play, too many people complain about you swearing the odd time, yet they have their censor off! holy crap!!

And somthing about guild names(oh, reader, hear me rant,) I know if your not in RP your going to get some massive different gameplay. I, personally, would be in RP, however I cannot keep up a total 100% rp-ish 'face' when playing, because theres going to be some times when i just want to have a normal conversation with others (without OOC headings Razz ) So I confined myself to normal, well, heres the problem. Normal lets you play in a medium with the average non-rp player who is just having a fun time. But, man, when I look at the can names, and I see somthing like, C A P S N S P A C E S , I just want to strangle someone. The whole idea of a guild is to have a space of people who you know, and (well, hopefully) trust, that will help you when you need it, not a mindless rabble of 400+ players who were all invited into the guild at level 1 just because a guild member was standing at the gates of northshire abby spamming invites. One thing that would fix all that: cost to invite, weither they say yes or no.

Oh, and a little thing extra- WoW Beats guild wars hands down, 500x over (and then some) so if you ever think about buying guild wars... Wink your loss?

Age means nothing, maturity, damnit, is key.
Know when its time to shaddup and when its time to intervine.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 4:16 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Note: I did not read Reems relpy :S (too long)

Anyways, im finding that leveling now is retardedly painstakingly slow...

I made an alt to get rest bonus's on my mage so i dont have to quest so much...

That games not bad, if you have a good interactive, and "different" battlest..

See a rouge/warrier, imo, are boring in the fact they "attack" melee'ly..

My mage though, has Various ways to kill a target..

I must say i enjoy a good PvP Battle, hell i took out 2 guys my level at a time, and i think its exiting when i win..

Instances piss me off, I ran BRD 6 times in 3 days and didnt win 1 item, nor finish 1 quest...
Some quests are cool, but ones with shitty drops are the worst, i hate collecting quests, there so fusterating,..

All in all, i dont really know what draws me to the game, i guess its the urge to reach 60 for my complete talent build to uniqly distinguish myself from others...

Even still, when im 60, im just going to piss off allies as much as i can, and let my guild get my arcanist set for me... (well some of it anyways)

::::For those who dont know what an instance is, its like a big relm where guys your level are eletes (meaning there 3X your power) and requir 5 + people to complete. (there real bad cause you can be like me and lose all the rolls on the items)

--> As for WoW being unbalanced, i dont think it really is...

I mean, normally a preist > mage, but iv'e killed many preists...
Even shamans/druids/pallies i have killed (all my level)

Iv'e killed every race, as every race has killed me.. imo, its all about talents and battle skills...

Campers suck balls, (like 40 allies raid camping 20 of us, god that was a night mare), but you get your revenge in time..

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 7:53 am   Post subject: (No subject)

TokenHerbz wrote:
[...]See a rouge[...]

/me bursts into flame

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 10:34 am   Post subject: (No subject)

My main problems wiht the game are the fallowing:

1. It is hurblity unbalcned. In most rpgs, online and off the monsters will natural be the same difucatly to kill as you move threw the rpg as long as you do not go some where or do somthing stupied. This is not the case in WoW and there are gaps in level and gear where it is insaily hard to get futher since anything will one shoot you.

2. Simpley put you die to much. I know some peoleop whould think i am just comping but all the good rpgs and mmorpgs i have played, death is a rare thing almost. You could go a few hours with out dieing and you could take a muptial monsters at the same level as you. Some rpgs you could take on a hole room full of them at the same level. In WoW you can take on one or two at best (depening on alot of things) and they place them so close together that it is imposable some times to not atack 3 at a time.

3. The game is heavly weighted to team/guild play. Esptaly in the end game if you do not have a 40 man gorup you do nothing. Most mmorpgs worth anything do both well. In fact one of my favoit ones PSO 2 makes the game harder if you play in a gorup and easyer if you play alone so it blances out.

4. The gear system. It is basilky set up to only alow hardcore players to get the best gear. Witch whould be fine, if i did not have to play agisted them in BGs or get ganked by them. They need a system to check a players gear lvl and put aproivte ranked players agisted each other in BG. But what do they do? They plan to link all the BGs of every server togteher in a masive gankfest for low gear and no guild players.

5. THIS IS THE BIGEST AND MOST IMPORNT ISSUE. That they do not listinen to the players. Not at all. They do not add things to the game that the averag player whould whont to care about and they keep doing things to make the harcore players stronger and the part time players weaker. They are totaly out to touch with what is going on in the game and are spending all there time doing things that are only harmfull to the game play.

I rember when i first started play how difrent the game was and how much more fun it was. Esptaly in that you had so much free dome in moding your interface and the game was more blanced. Maybe it was just that there where fewer peoleop playing then and they where more grown up but when i got back to the game a year latter it was like the average IQ of every one droped 30 points and the degiseres whonted to see how far they could push peoleop intill they stoped playing.
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

And no, its not vaporware...

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 5:50 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

What a big advertisement-- I mean avatar-- you have. Was there something you wanted to contribute to the conversation? Darkfall doesn't seem to have anything new and interesting...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:17 am   Post subject: (No subject)


5. THIS IS THE BIGEST AND MOST IMPORNT ISSUE. That they do not listinen to the players. Not at all. They do not add things to the game that the averag player whould whont to care about and they keep doing things to make the harcore players stronger and the part time players weaker. They are totaly out to touch with what is going on in the game and are spending all there time doing things that are only harmfull to the game play.

That... out of all the things, pisses me off the most.

Yet there is nothing better to do, so i think im going to start my WoW account back up out of sheer bordom. Unless there is another that... doesnt suck?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 10, 2006 10:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

i freaking love casters, there so awsome...

Anyways, make a new comp as a dark elf when the expo comes out..

I AM! they'll be pimp...
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