/* Connect 4, by Joey Robert
* Backup Final Project for ICS 3M1 - May 19 - 20/2006
const ROWS := 6
const COLUMNS := 7
var Pieces : array 1 .. ROWS, 1 .. COLUMNS of int
var Names : array 1 .. 2 of string
var Score : array 1 .. 2 of real := init (0, 0)
var counter, Focus, Turn, Value, FontVar : int
var PlayAgain : string (1)
FontVar := Font.New ("sans serif:10:Bold")
procedure TurnColour (player, rule : int)
var Holder : string
if player = 1 then
drawfillbox (0, maxy - 40, maxx, maxy - 25, red)
elsif player = 2 then
drawfillbox (0, maxy - 40, maxx, maxy - 25, blue)
end if
if rule = 1 then
Holder := Names (1) + ": " + realstr (Score (1), 0) + " " + Names (2) + ": " + realstr (Score (2), 0)
Draw.Text (Holder, 4, maxy - 37, FontVar, white)
end if
end TurnColour
/* Format for Position: 21
* 2 as in Row, 1 as in Column
procedure DisplayScreen
for i : 1 .. ROWS
for j : 1 .. COLUMNS
if Pieces (i, j) = 1 then
drawfilloval ((50 * j), (50 * i), 20, 20, red)
elsif Pieces (i, j) = 2 then
drawfilloval ((50 * j), (50 * i), 20, 20, blue)
drawfilloval ((50 * j), (50 * i), 20, 20, gray)
end if
end for
Draw.Text (intstr (i), 8, (50 * i) - 4, FontVar, black)
end for
for i : 1 .. COLUMNS
Draw.Text (intstr (i), (50 * i) - 4, 8, FontVar, black)
end for
end DisplayScreen
procedure RawInsert (player : int)
var x, y, btnNumber, btnUpDown : int
Mouse.ButtonWait ("up", x, y, btnNumber, btnUpDown)
Value := ((x + 25) div 50)
end RawInsert
procedure Insert (player : int)
put Names (player), ", Select a column to input it in."
RawInsert (player)
if Value > COLUMNS or Value < 1 then
TurnColour (player, 1)
put Names (player), ", Incorrect Selection. Choose Again."
RawInsert (player)
elsif Pieces (ROWS, Value) not= 0 then
TurnColour (player, 1)
put Names (player), ", Row is full. Choose Again."
RawInsert (player)
end if
end loop
for i : 1 .. ROWS
if Pieces (i, Value) = 0 then
Pieces (i, Value) := player
counter := i
Music.PlayFile ("check.WAV")
end if
end for
for decreasing j : ROWS .. 1 + counter
if player = 1 then
drawfilloval ((50 * Value), (50 * j), 20, 20, red)
elsif player = 2 then
drawfilloval ((50 * Value), (50 * j), 20, 20, blue)
end if
delay (50)
drawfilloval ((50 * Value), (50 * j), 20, 20, gray)
end for
end Insert
% Rules = 0 to exclude k, 1 to add k, and -1 to minus k.
function RawLineCheck (player, istart, iend, jstart, jend, rule1, rule2 : int) : boolean
for i : istart .. iend
for j : jstart .. jend
counter := 0
for k : 0 .. 3
if Pieces (i + (rule1 * k), j + (rule2 * k)) = player then
counter := counter + 1
end if
if counter = 4 then
result true
end if
end for
end for
end for
result false
end RawLineCheck
% Result 0 = NO WIN
% Result 1 = Win
% FYI - The reason it minus's 3 for the for loops is because you can't
% connect 4 if there is only 3 spaces available.
function LineCheck (player : int) : int
if RawLineCheck (player, 1, ROWS, 1, COLUMNS - 3, 0, 1) then % HORIZONTAL
result 1
elsif RawLineCheck (player, 1, ROWS - 3, 1, COLUMNS, 1, 0) then % VERTICAL
result 1
elsif RawLineCheck (player, 1, ROWS - 3, 1, COLUMNS - 3, 1, 1) then % DIAGONAL /
result 1
elsif RawLineCheck (player, 1, ROWS - 3, 4, COLUMNS, 1, -1) then % DIAGONAL \
result 1
counter := 0
for i : 1 .. COLUMNS
if Pieces (ROWS, i) not= 0 then
counter := counter + 1
end if
end for
if counter = COLUMNS then
result 2
end if
end if
result 0
end LineCheck
procedure ClearBoard
for j : 1 .. ROWS
for k : 1 .. COLUMNS
Pieces (j, k) := 0
end for
end for
end ClearBoard
setscreen ("graphics:400;400, nobuttonbar")
Turn := 1
TurnColour (1, 0)
put "What is Player One's Name?"
get Names (1)
TurnColour (2, 0)
put "What is Player Two's Name?"
get Names (2)
TurnColour (Turn, 1)
Insert (Turn)
if LineCheck (Turn) = 1 then
TurnColour (Turn, 1)
put Names (Turn), " Wins! Play Again? (n to exit)"
Score (Turn) := Score (Turn) + 1
delay (100)
elsif LineCheck (Turn) = 2 then
TurnColour (Turn, 1)
put "Draw Game! Play Again? (n to exit)"
Score (1) := Score (1) + 0.5
Score (2) := Score (2) + 0.5
delay (100)
end if
if LineCheck (Turn) not= 0 then
getch (PlayAgain)
if PlayAgain = 'n' then
end if
end if
if Turn = 1 then
Turn := 2
elsif Turn = 2 then
Turn := 1
end if
end loop