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 Trouble switching background images with CSS
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 1:12 pm   Post subject: Trouble switching background images with CSS

I thought that I had this problem corrected, but unfortunately today it has resurfaced! I don't understand what it is and how to get around it.

I am attempting to switch background images using CSS. The procedure works fine in Internet Explorer, but I am unable to see anything in Firefox. However, the links are still present, as my mouse can hover over them and the pointer will change.

When I place a background image inside the <div> within the style sheet, it will appear correctly. However, I am unable to get this to work when dealing with changing images on :hover, etc.

Attached is my current code from CSS: {
clear: left;
border: 0px;
display: block;
z-index: 103;
width: 150px;
height: 40px;
direction: ltr;
background-attachment: fixed;
background-repeat: no-repeat;


Here is my HTML code

<div id="divHome" class="navMenu Home" style="Z-INDEX: 103">


Any help will be greatly appreciated, I've spent my entire morning on this problem with no luck. Thanks again.
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