Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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 A wave-mixing sound generator -> which language?
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PostPosted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 9:30 pm   Post subject: A wave-mixing sound generator -> which language?

In my physics class we learnt about waves and all that crap a few weeks ago, and then I decided that I wanted to program a sound generator by mixing waves and all that crap for making beats and music. I have it made in turing, it mixes frequencies and makes beat frequencies and crap like that, but since turing does not have the ability to change the Amplitude of a sound (it figures out the frequency and uses sound (freq, time)), I need a different aproach. I was wondering if there was a different programming language that I could use that has something like the sound (freq, time) module or whatever its called where you can change the level of volume output or the softness of the sound without just turning the volume up and down. It must be able to play a frequency like turing does, and not just read sounds from a file and play them. Any alternative suggestions could help too I suppose. Thanks in advance

PostPosted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 5:26 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I'm guessing noone replied because I didn't show an example. I have finished my code to be almost exactly what I need it to be. If I could change the actual loudness or softness, it would be complete. I have the .exe in turing for download, but I need to translate this code to a different language with a frequency and amplitude feature. If anyone knows of a language that has these features, can you please let me know. My only results from searching on google was with VC#, but it doesn't generate the frequency, it plays from a file at specified frequency and amplitude.

in edit window:
click a/p/q and type new value to change that wave. Corresponding colors for the wave and its number.
0 < a < 225 Int
p = any Real
q <= 20 Real

 Filename:  soundgenerator.rar
 Filesize:  222 KB
 Downloaded:  91 Time(s)


PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 10:30 am   Post subject: (No subject)

Out of the thousand libraries in java, im sure there is something that can help you needs Cool

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:06 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

java does not nearly has many libraries as C++, commercial programs are made from C++, chances are, you should be able to find the libraries they used

PostPosted: Sat Jun 17, 2006 2:07 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Andy wrote:
java does not nearly has many libraries as C++

It just does a much better job packaging them, and for the huge core libraries, offers a one-stop way of getting them.
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