%Sun Fighters! V1.5
%"Last updated ", (theDayYouReadThis - theDatelastEdited), " days ago by Drew Martell"
var var1, var2, c1, c2, sun, back, ground, face, cnt, sx, sy, line, sunx, suny, file, score1, score2, size, x : int
score1 := 0
score2 := 0
cnt := 0
var timeElapsed, scoreS1, scoreS2, speedS, msg, bestTime : string
var ch : char
var timer := Font.New ("@Terminal:10")
var rec := "Sun Fighter's Best Time.rec"
var ballx1, bally1, ballx2, bally2, vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2, gravity, speed, subSpeed : real
var keys : array char of boolean
open : file, rec, put, mod
close : file
File.Status (rec, size, x, x)
if (size = 0) then
open : file, rec, put, mod
put : file, "0"
close : file
end if
procedure Reset
open : file, rec, get
get : file, msg
close : file
bestTime := msg
cnt := 0
c1 := yellow
c2 := 11
sun := brightred
back := black
ground := back + 1
face := black
line := 50
ballx1 := line + maxx - 100
bally1 := line
ballx2 := line + maxx - 150
bally2 := line
vx1 := 5
vy1 := 10
vx2 := 5
vy2 := 10
gravity := .25
sunx := 100
suny := 100
sx := 1
sy := 1
speed := 15
subSpeed := .01
end Reset
procedure Pause
delay (500)
end Pause
procedure Intro
View.Set ("title:Sun Fighters, nocursor")
var title := Font.New ("@Terminal:40")
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, blue)
Font.Draw ("Sun Fighters!!!", 160, 280, title, brightred)
colourback (blue)
colour (white)
locate (12, 14)
put "This is a 1 or 2 player game in which you must dodge the"
locate (13, 20)
put "red hot sun from melting your ass. Have fun!"
locate (16, 38)
put "--------------"
locate (17, 38)
put "// CONTROLS //"
locate (18, 38)
put "--------------"
locate (21, 10)
colour (yellow)
put "1P: Left arrow key moves left Right arrow key moves right"
locate (22, 10)
colour (11)
put "2P: 'a' moves left 'd' moves right"
drawbox (50, 30, maxx - 50, maxy - 30, white)
locate (maxrow, 22)
colour (brightgreen)
put "Press 1 or 2 for the ammount of players"
delay (500)
ch := getchar
if ~ ((ch = '1') or (ch = '2')) then
end if
end Intro
procedure Save
bestTime := msg
open : file, rec, get
get : file, msg
close : file
if (strint (timeElapsed)) > (strint (msg)) then
open : file, rec, put, mod
put : file, timeElapsed
close : file
end if
end Save
procedure Player1
drawfilloval (round (ballx1), round (bally1), 10, 10, c1) %body
drawoval (round (ballx1), round (bally1), 10, 10, face) %body outline
drawfilloval (round (ballx1) - 3, round (bally1) + 2, 1, 1, face) %left eye
drawfilloval (round (ballx1) + 3, round (bally1) + 2, 1, 1, face) %right eye
drawfillarc (round (ballx1), round (bally1) - 2, 2, 4, 180, 360, face) %smile
end Player1
procedure Player2
drawfilloval (round (ballx2), round (bally2), 10, 10, c2) %body
drawoval (round (ballx2), round (bally2), 10, 10, face) %body outline
drawfilloval (round (ballx2) - 3, round (bally2) + 2, 1, 1, face) %left eye
drawfilloval (round (ballx2) + 3, round (bally2) + 2, 1, 1, face) %right eye
drawfillarc (round (ballx2), round (bally2) - 2, 2, 4, 180, 360, face) %smile
end Player2
procedure Sun
drawfilloval (round (sunx), round (suny), 100, 100, sun) %sun body
drawfilloval (round (sunx) - 40, round (suny) + 30, 10, 10, face) %left eye
drawfilloval (round (sunx) + 40, round (suny) + 30, 10, 10, face) %right eye
drawfillarc (round (sunx), round (suny) - 2, 80, 80, 180, 360, face) %smile
drawoval (round (sunx), round (suny), 100, 100, face) %sun outline
end Sun
proc Main
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
scoreS1 := intstr (score1)
scoreS2 := intstr (score2)
timeElapsed := intstr (cnt div 50)
speedS := realstr (speed, 0)
cnt += 1
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, back) %background
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, line, ground) %floor
Font.Draw ("Player 1: " + scoreS1, 10, 20, timer, c1)
Font.Draw ("Player 2: " + scoreS2, 110, 20, timer, c2)
Font.Draw ("TIME:" + timeElapsed, maxx - 170, 20, timer, sun)
Font.Draw ("BEST:" + bestTime, maxx - 100, 20, timer, black)
Font.Draw ("SPEED:" + speedS, (maxx div 2) - 50, 20, timer, back)
%Variables changing
ballx1 += vx1
bally1 += vy1
ballx2 += vx2
bally2 += vy2
sunx += sx
suny += sy
vy1 -= gravity
vy2 -= gravity
if vy1 = -10 then
vy1 := 10 - gravity
end if
if vy2 = -10 then
vy2 := 10 - gravity
end if
if ballx1 + 15 >= maxx then
ballx1 -= 1
vx1 *= -1
end if
if ballx2 + 15 >= maxx then
ballx2 -= 1
vx2 *= -1
end if
if ballx1 <= 0 then
ballx1 += 1
vx1 *= -1
end if
if ballx2 <= 0 then
ballx2 += 1
vx2 *= -1
end if
if suny = 100 or suny = maxy - 100 then
sy := -sy
elsif (sunx = 100) or (sunx = maxx - 100) then
sx := -sx
end if
Input.KeyDown (keys)
if keys (KEY_RIGHT_ARROW) then
vx1 += 1
speed -= subSpeed
end if
if keys (KEY_LEFT_ARROW) then
vx1 -= 1
speed -= subSpeed
end if
if (ch = '2') then
if keys ('d') then
vx2 += 1
speed -= subSpeed
end if
if keys ('a') then
vx2 -= 1
speed -= subSpeed
end if
end if
%Player/Player collision
if (whatdotcolour (round (ballx1), round (bally1)) = c2) then
end if
if (whatdotcolour (round (ballx2), round (bally2)) = c1) then
end if
%Sun collision detection
colourback (back)
colour (white)
locate (3, 23)
if (ch = '2') then
if (whatdotcolour (round (ballx2), round (bally2)) = sun) then
put "Player 1 Wins! Press any key to continue..."
score1 += 1
end if
end if
if (whatdotcolour (round (ballx1), round (bally1)) = sun) then
put "Player 2 Wins! Press any key to continue..."
score2 += 1
end if
delay (round (speed))
speed -= .0025
end loop
end Main