%%%%^^^^^^^%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^^GUESSING GAME%%%%%%%%%%%^^^^^^^^^^^%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%% By Codi
%%% DO not Copy
% Picking a color for the back ground
colorback (9)
Draw.FillBox (1, 1, maxx, maxy, 9)
var number : int
var guess : int
var numberOfGuesses : int := 0
var start : string
var lowscore : int := 100
var Smiley : int
var x, y : int
var theDateTime, theDate, theTime : string
var lvl : string
var name, fileName : string := "bestscore.t"
var score, fileNo : int
var timeRunning : int
var greeting : string
theDateTime := Time.Date
theDate := theDateTime (1 .. 9)
theTime := theDateTime (11 .. *)
put "Greetings Neigbour!! The date and time today is ", Time.Date
put "Hello, World!"
for i : 1 .. 10
delay (1)
Window.Hide (defWinID)
delay (1)
Window.Show (defWinID)
end for
put "How are you?"
get greeting
if greeting = "good" then
put "thats good i am fine too"
elsif greeting = "bad" then
put " Aww I hope you are better soon"
end if
put "In this game you have to pick a number betwen 1,100 the program will then tell you to guess higher or lower until you get the number"
put "guessed. See how few of guesses it will take you."
% Generating a Random Number
number := Rand.Int (1, 100)
numberOfGuesses := 0
%Asks if the user would like to play again or quit
put "Would you like to play a guessing game? i know you do so all you have to do is type Yes It is CaSe SeNsItIvE or Type No to Quit"
get start
if start = "No" then
elsif start = "Yes" then
end if
locate (4, 1)
put "Please enter a number in the flashing space its about 1/2 a cm tall and 1/4 cm wide."
% Asks the user for a number to see if they get it or not
get guess
% This is the counter it adds one number everytime you make a guess
numberOfGuesses += 1
% this is when the guess is entered the program will tell you to guess higher or lower or you got it!
if guess > number then
put "GUESS LOWER THEN ", guess
elsif guess < number then
put "GUESS HIGHER THEN ", guess
elsif guess = number then
setscreen ("graphics")
for i : 1 .. 3
color (i)
put "Bravo"
end for
end if
exit when guess = number
end loop
% tells you how many guesses
colorback (black)
put "It took you ", numberOfGuesses, " guesses to guess the correct number."
if numberOfGuesses < 5 then
put "Excellent you spend way to much time on this! "
elsif numberOfGuesses > 5 and numberOfGuesses < 10 then
put "Great but there is still room for improvment!"
put "Mabye next time you wont suck so bad!"
end if
%getting the best score so far from file
open : fileNo, fileName, get
get : fileNo, name : * %the :*the :* is optional butreads the whole line for multiple names
get : fileNo, score
put " the best score so far is by ", name, " and its a score of ", score
close : fileNo
if numberOfGuesses < score then
put "Congrats you got a best score"
open : fileNo, fileName, put
put "enter your name"
get name
put : fileNo, name
put : fileNo, numberOfGuesses
close : fileNo
end if
timeRunning := Time.Elapsed div 1000
put "This program has ran ", timeRunning, " Seconds"
end loop