const MaxIllusion := 10
const MaxAsteroid := 50
const MaxBullets := 500
const PowerUpMax := 10
View.Set ('graphics:300,600')
View.Set ('offscreenonly')
Mouse.ButtonChoose ('multibutton')
Text.ColourBack (black)
procedure DrawShip (x, y, i : int)
Draw.ThickLine (x, y, x - 10, y - 15, 3, RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
Draw.ThickLine (x, y, x + 10, y - 15, 3, RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
Draw.ThickLine (x, y + 15, x - 10, y - 15, 3, RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
Draw.ThickLine (x, y + 15, x + 10, y - 15, 3, RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
end DrawShip
procedure DrawAsteroid (x, y, size, sides, count, clr : int)
for i : 1 .. sides
Draw.ThickLine (round (x + cosd ((i) * 360 / sides + count) * size), round (y + sind ((i) * 360 / sides + count) * size),
round (x + cosd ((i + 1) * 360 / sides + count) * size), round (y + sind ((i + 1) * 360 / sides + count) * size), 5, clr)
end for
end DrawAsteroid
var r, r2 : int := 0
var BackgroundPic, BackgroundY : array 1 .. 3 of int
var x, y : array 1 .. MaxIllusion of int
var keys : array char of boolean
var mx, my, button : int
var Bulletx, Bullety : array 1 .. MaxBullets of int
var BulletCount : int := 0
var Reloading : int := 0
var AsteroidX, AsteroidY, AsteroidSize : array 1 .. MaxAsteroid of int
var Count : array 1 .. MaxAsteroid of int
var AsteroidCount : int
var Level : int
var Power, Speed, Bullets : int
var PowerUpX, PowerUpY : array 1 .. PowerUpMax of int
var PowerUpType : array 1 .. PowerUpMax of string
var PowerUpCount : int
procedure ResetVariables
for i : 1 .. MaxIllusion
x (i) := maxx div 2
y (i) := 15
end for
for j : 1 .. 2
for i : 1 .. 20
r := Rand.Int (0, maxx)
r2 := Rand.Int (0, maxy - 50)
drawline (r, r2, r, r2 + 50, RGB.AddColour (150 / 255, 150 / 255, 150 / 255))
end for
BackgroundPic (j) := Pic.New (0, 0, maxx, maxy)
BackgroundY (j) := (j - 1) * (maxy)
end for
BulletCount := 0
AsteroidCount := 0
Level := 0
for i : 1 .. MaxAsteroid
Count (i) := Rand.Int (0, 360)
end for
r := 0
r2 := 0
Power := 1
Speed := 1
Bullets := 1
PowerUpCount := 0
end ResetVariables
procedure Game
var dash : int := 1
var lost : boolean := false
Input.KeyDown (keys)
mousewhere (mx, my, button)
x (1) := mx
x (1) := max (min (x (1), maxx), 0)
if button = 100 then
dash := 2
dash := 1
end if
if button = 1 and Reloading = 0 and BulletCount + Bullets < MaxBullets then
if Bullets mod 2 = 0 then %Even, they should spread around the centre
for i : -Bullets .. Bullets by 2
if i not= 0 then
BulletCount += 1
Bulletx (BulletCount) := x (1) + i * 4
Bullety (BulletCount) := y (1) - abs (i) * 5
Reloading := 20 - Speed
end if
end for
for i : -Bullets div 2 .. Bullets div 2
BulletCount += 1
Bulletx (BulletCount) := x (1) + i * 8
Bullety (BulletCount) := y (1) - abs (i) * 5
Reloading := 20 - Speed
end for
end if
end if
if Rand.Int (1, max (100 - Level, 50) div dash) = 1 and AsteroidCount < MaxAsteroid then
AsteroidCount += 1
AsteroidX (AsteroidCount) := Rand.Int (0, maxx)
AsteroidSize (AsteroidCount) := 10 + Level * 2
AsteroidY (AsteroidCount) := maxy + AsteroidSize (AsteroidCount)
end if
if Reloading > 0 then
Reloading -= 1
end if
for i : 1 .. 2
Pic.Draw (BackgroundPic (1), 0, BackgroundY (i), picCopy)
BackgroundY (i) -= 11 * dash
if BackgroundY (i) <= -maxy then
BackgroundY (i) := maxy
end if
end for
for q : 1 .. max (max (BulletCount, 1), PowerUpCount)
if q <= BulletCount then
for decreasing i : MaxIllusion .. 0
drawfilloval (Bulletx (q), Bullety (q) - i * 3, 3, 3, RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
end for
Bullety (q) += 10 div dash
if Bullety (q) >= maxy then
Bulletx (q) := Bulletx (BulletCount)
Bullety (q) := Bullety (BulletCount)
Bullety (q) += 10
BulletCount -= 1
end if
end if
for j : 1 .. AsteroidCount
if q <= BulletCount then
if sqrt ((AsteroidX (j) - Bulletx (q)) ** 2 + (AsteroidY (j) - Bullety (q)) ** 2) < AsteroidSize (j) + 5 then
AsteroidSize (j) -= 2 * Power
Bullety (q) := maxy + 50
end if
end if
if sqrt ((AsteroidX (j) - x (1)) ** 2 + ((AsteroidY (j) - y (1)) ** 2)) <= AsteroidSize (j) + 10 then
lost := true
end if
if q = 1 then
AsteroidY (j) -= 3 * dash
Count (j) += 1
Count (j) mod= 360
for decreasing i : MaxIllusion .. 0
DrawAsteroid (AsteroidX (j), AsteroidY (j) + i * 5, AsteroidSize (j), 7, Count (j), RGB.AddColour (1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion, 1 - i / MaxIllusion))
end for
if AsteroidY (j) <= 0 or AsteroidSize (j) <= 0 then
if AsteroidSize (j) <= 0 then
Level += 1
if PowerUpCount < PowerUpMax then
r := Rand.Int (1, 3)
PowerUpCount += 1
PowerUpX (PowerUpCount) := AsteroidX (j)
PowerUpY (PowerUpCount) := AsteroidY (j)
if r = 1 then
PowerUpType (PowerUpCount) := "Power"
elsif r = 2 then
PowerUpType (PowerUpCount) := "Speed"
PowerUpType (PowerUpCount) := "Bullets"
end if
end if
end if
AsteroidX (j) := AsteroidX (AsteroidCount)
AsteroidY (j) := AsteroidY (AsteroidCount)
AsteroidSize (j) := AsteroidSize (AsteroidCount)
Count (j) := Count (AsteroidCount)
AsteroidCount -= 1
end if
end if
end for
if q <= PowerUpCount then
PowerUpY (q) -= 1 * dash
if PowerUpType (q) = "Power" then
Draw.ThickLine (PowerUpX (q) + 10, PowerUpY (q) + 10, PowerUpX (q) - 10, PowerUpY (q) - 10, 3, white)
Draw.ThickLine (PowerUpX (q) + 10, PowerUpY (q) - 10, PowerUpX (q) - 10, PowerUpY (q) + 10, 3, white)
elsif PowerUpType (q) = "Speed" then
Draw.ThickLine (PowerUpX (q) + 10, PowerUpY (q), PowerUpX (q) - 10, PowerUpY (q), 3, white)
Draw.ThickLine (PowerUpX (q), PowerUpY (q) + 10, PowerUpX (q), PowerUpY (q) - 10, 3, white)
elsif PowerUpType (q) = "Bullets" then
drawfilloval (PowerUpX (q) - 5, PowerUpY (q), 5, 5, white)
drawfilloval (PowerUpX (q) + 5, PowerUpY (q), 5, 5, white)
end if
if sqrt ((PowerUpX (q) - x (1)) ** 2 + (PowerUpY (q) - y (1)) ** 2) <= 10 + 10 or PowerUpY (q) < 0 then
if PowerUpY (q) < 0 then
if PowerUpType (q) = "Power" then
Power += 1
Bullets -= 1
elsif PowerUpType (q) = "Speed" then
Speed += 1
Power -= 1
elsif PowerUpType (q) = "Bullets" then
Bullets += 1
Speed -= 1
end if
Bullets := max (min (Bullets, 15), 1)
Speed := max (min (Speed, 15), 1)
Power := max (min (Power, 15), 1)
end if
PowerUpX (q) := PowerUpX (PowerUpCount)
PowerUpY (q) := PowerUpY (PowerUpCount)
PowerUpType (q) := PowerUpType (PowerUpCount)
PowerUpCount -= 1
end if
end if
end for
for decreasing i : MaxIllusion .. 2
x (i) := x (i - 1)
y (i) := y (i - 1)
DrawShip (x (i), y (i), i)
end for
locate (1, 1)
put "Score: ", Level
DrawShip (x (1), y (1), 0)
drawfillbox (x (1) - 18, y (1) - 10, x (1) - 16, y (1) - 10 + round (Power / 10 * 20), brightred)
drawbox (x (1) - 18, y (1) - 10, x (1) - 16, y (1) + 10, white)
drawfillbox (x (1) + 18, y (1) - 10, x (1) + 16, y (1) - 10 + round (Speed / 15 * 20), yellow)
drawbox (x (1) + 18, y (1) - 10, x (1) + 16, y (1) + 10, white)
Time.DelaySinceLast (30)
exit when lost
end loop
end Game
var choice, choice2 : string (1)
var HiScore : int := 0
Text.Colour (white)
put "Enter your choice."
put "1. Start Game"
put "2. Help"
put "HiScore this play: ", HiScore
getch (choice)
exit when choice = '1' or choice = '2'
end loop
if choice = '2' then
put "Move the mouse to move your ship."
put "Left click to fire."
put "Right click to dash."
put ""
put "X = Increase in damage, decrease in # of bullets"
put "+ = Increase in Speed, decrease in damage"
put "oo = Increase in # of bullets, decrease in speed"
put ""
put "Bar on the left of your ship indicates damage level"
put "Bar on the right of your ship indicates reload speed"
put ""
put "Press any key to continue"
getch (choice2)
end if
exit when choice = '1'
end loop
if HiScore < Level then
HiScore := Level
end if
choice := '2'
end loop