mirhagk @ Sun Dec 02, 2012 10:53 pm wrote:
Pick out a fun library and see what you can do with it. Welcome to the wonderful world of C#, it's a great place.
.NET has some awesome libraries for lots of cool tasks, my favourite section of C# lately has got to be LINQ and lambdas. Check out what kind of things you can do (you don't need to connect to sql to use LINQ, but it works just as well with or without the database).
I find people don't really like egyptian style braces, so the majority of the code I've ever seen (even in other languages) puts the braces on a new line. It lets you easily see that all the braces match up.
You can check out stuff on threading, networking, or just experiment by going through all the namespaces.
A fun one is to import the itunes com library and control itunes from C#.
Hey. What do you use for "Settings"? Specifically to do with Forms stuff.
I've Found the Property.Settings in Visual Studios, and combined it with PropertyGrid.SelectedObject = Propeties.Settings.Default. While it's a nice quick solution, it lacks the description ability of the PropertyGrid. The Settings are in an auto generated file, and doesn't allow for the [Category] + [Description] attributes that are used with a PropertyGrid. I ended up having to create a proxy object to wrap the Settings object (which I had to copy paste from the generated code).
The difference is really apparent:
Also the .cs extension isn't allowed to be uploaded here. =.='
What I did can be found here: https://gist.github.com/0af27d365ca14fc8cebd