Computer Science Canada

RPG Challenge

Author:  Nick [ Fri Feb 01, 2008 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  RPG Challenge

I had an idea for this contest while making my own RPG because I wanna compare my RPG when finished to others.

The challenge: make the best RPG you can.

1) Must include a leveling system, however this is implemented is your own choice.
2) Must include a battle system with either random encounters or some other means to enter the battle.
3) Must have more than one playable character battles, whether the character is unlockable or not is also your choice.

1) Graphics /10
2) Gameplay (enjoyablity) /5
3) Storyline /5
4) Battle System /10
5) Equipments and Leveling System /10
6) Game envoirnment outside of battles /10

If you wish to be a judge either PM me or talk to me on IRC* (Judges can submit they're own RPG but will not me judged)

The first placing contestant will receive their score x4 in bits (maxium 200 bits)

Since RPGs aren't exactly fast to make, the final date is one month from now (March 1st)

1)PM me
3)Talk to me on IRC*

Final note:
I will post my RPG on March 1st whether or not I am complete, if I am not complete I will post again when it is complete.

*Nick on IRC is Nick, please note I am not on at all times

Author:  Nick [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  RE:RPG Challenge

I'm assuming no one wants to participate?

Author:  Dan [ Mon Feb 04, 2008 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: RE:RPG Challenge

momop @ 4th February 2008, 7:35 am wrote:
I'm assuming no one wants to participate?

Making a good RPG can take alot of effort and work. Not nessarly work on the programming side but a tone of work on the sotry, sprites, title systems, mobs, npcs, dialog, babtle system, leveling system, how the stats work, items, and a tone of other elements that have litte programming chalagen and are more about creditve ablitys in terms of art, sotry telling and game desing.

So althought it can be fun to make an RPG when you have time to or wont to, few peoleop whould have time to make a qaulity one for a contest, not to mention one that is only a month long and has no real prizees or insentives.

Also the timing of your contest is rather bad, at the start of a new high school term. It whould be better placed at the end of the term where students might allready be working on a RPG for there final project.

Author:  jamonathin [ Tue Feb 05, 2008 5:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG Challenge

Yeah Dan has some very good points for your competition you want to hold. If you want something to compare it to, hook ye ol Nintendo, or download some ROM's.
Whenever i was into making a game of my own whether it be an RTS or arcade game, i would just find a game i enjoyed (that's decently simple) and i would try to mimic it - or fill in what i felt was left out.

Unless someone is already working on an RPG for a FP, you're responses are going to be low my friend. I suggest holding a competition for something that can be done in less than 2 weeks time, or mroe specifically, a few bored nights.

Author:  Nick [ Tue Feb 05, 2008 6:18 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:RPG Challenge

your both right... not to mention with the way things have been going lately I don't think I'll have enough spare time to finish my RPG, oh well.

btw I did download some ROMs before you posted how odd...

Author:  lordroba [ Tue Feb 05, 2008 9:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: RPG Challenge

hmm, i actually kind of like the idea of having a contest. This would definitely motivated me a lot more to finish/work on my Phantom Gear game. But i've got to agree with Dan on this one, one month is kinda short to make a quality rpg, unless you're working on it 24/7. Btw, while we're somewhat on the topic of rpgs and roms, apart from the classic Chrono Trigger, you guys should check out Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean, both for the SNES.

Author:  Appleseed_Vaj [ Mon Feb 18, 2008 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  RE:RPG Challenge

Hey uhh im working on a RPG but its based on the gameplay of old school games like Dragonwarrior or Final Fantasy I or II so yea its a very old game play "The Forgotten Tales: The Beginning" that is my game title....seems wierd dont you think?
