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Video Game Development

Adam Bielinski rocks indie game development socks

Adam Bielinski (a fellow CompSci.ca forums member), the one who made Forces video game for his high school project assignment, is catching another wave of fame over at the Great Games Experiment. It appears that Adam has snatched both featured developer and featured game spots. Well done!

Adam Bielinski has been making video games since the age of 12. Finally as a high school junior, he brings us Forces.
Forces is a simple yet fun game where you control a pulsating globe of energy that hurls particles at your enemies.

That is pretty amazing for a high school project. Adam continues to push video game development well beyond the high school computer programming curriculum, and plans on remaking Forces with XNA Game Studio Express. I can’t wait for the special effects and console game play! Meanwhile, here’s a video of the original in-game trailer:

Forces should be available for download. The source code for this game has also been made available (you need to be a registered forum member to download). Though for those think of using this as their own computer science project – stop. You will get caught… by knife wielding monkeys.

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  1. Posted by Kyle Schouviller » Blog Archive » Play this game | February 23, 2007, 8:34 pm

    [...] You should definitely play Forces. It’s written by Adam Bielinski, and while it’s not in XNA, I understand he’s working on porting it. [...]

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