Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 1:25 am Post subject: [Perl5-tut] Perl Intro: Conditionals |
This looks pretty much like most languages. A notable differences is that the curly braces are required. There is no "shortcut" syntax.
Perl: | if ($foo == 42)
print "Hello\n";
} |
Elsif and else
As in other languages, there are fallback clauses.
Perl: | if ($foo == 42)
print "Hello\n";
elsif ($bar == 38)
print "Yo\n";
elsif ($baz == 56)
print "Wooble!\n";
print "Ninja!!!\n";
} |
"if" has a counterpart. It's called unless.
For instance, instead of:
Perl: | if ($foo != 42)
print "Hello\n";
} |
We can write:
Perl: | unless ($foo == 42)
print "Hello\n";
} |
For very simple tests, we can use "if" and "unless" in a postfix form.
Perl: | print "Hello\n" unless $foo == 42; |
The ternary operator
This also functions pretty much the same way it does in other languages.
Perl: | $foo == 42 ? "Hello" : "World"; |
If the test in front of the question mark is true, then the first expression is evaluated. If not, the second expression is evaluated. The expressions are separated by a colon.
Comparison operators
Strings and numbers use different comparison operators in Perl5.
For numbers, we can use the classic: ==, !=, <, >, <=, >=, and for a three way comparison: <=>.
For strings, the corresponding operators are: eq, ne, lt, gt, le, ge, and cmp. |