DanShadow wrote:
Ok, so that works with reading from a file. But could you explain how to write to a file? tx
As for File Output:
Java: |
import java.io.*;
public class FileOutput {
public static void main ( String [] args ){
BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter("MyFile.txt"));
out. write("Hello! I am creating a new file."
+ " If a file named \"My File.txt\" existed already, you would lose it!");
out. close();
BufferedWriter outAppend = new BufferedWriter (new FileWriter("MyFile.txt", true));
outAppend. append("This is being appended to the end of the old \"MyFile.txt\"!"
+ "This is because I passed in a second argument, 'true', to the FileWriter constructor.");
outAppend. close();
} catch (IOException f ) {
System. err. println("You must not have write permissions to this directory!");
} |