Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:42 pm Post subject: It bounces and bounces and bounces and doh!!! it stopped =Þ
procedure jspeed (var s : real, i, ii : int)
var x, y : real
%s := sqrt ((i ** 2) - (ii ** 2))
s := ((- ((ii / i) ** 2)) + 100)
end jspeed
var y := 0.0
var bouncability := 10
colorback (16)
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
for decreasing b : 100 .. 10 by bouncability
for i : -b .. b
jspeed (y, 10, i)
drawfilloval (320, round (y) + 200 - (100 - b), 10, 10, 9)
drawline (0, 190, 640, 190, 12)
delay (1)
end for
end for
ok here's a bounce formula i've just made up doe's anyone know where i can get the physic formulas like gravity ,speed, acceleration,etc...?!!!
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Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
a physics book might help ya
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 7:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i dont have a physic book and i'm not planning to buy one... =(
i thought there might be a website or something... =/
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 8:00 pm Post subject: (No subject)
again... catalyst.... or tony.... they're awesome at physics (i havent taken physics yet... but i dont think catalyst has either, he's only in grade 10... he's just a damned genius)
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 8:21 pm Post subject: (No subject)
procedure jspeed (var s : real, i, ii : int)
var x, y : real
%s := sqrt ((i ** 2) - (ii ** 2))
s := ((- ((ii / i) ** 2)) + 100)
end jspeed
var y, x, x2 := 0.0
var bouncability := 10
colorback (16)
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
for decreasing b : 100 .. 10 by bouncability
for i : -b .. b by 5
jspeed (y, 10, i)
if i > 0 then
jspeed (x, 10, i)
jspeed (x, 10, -i)
end if
x2 += x div 30
drawfilloval (round (x2), round (y) + 200 - (100 - b), 10, 10, 9)
drawdot (round (x2) - 11, round (y) + 200 - (100 - b) - 11, 15)
drawline (0, 190, 640, 190, 12)
delay (10)
drawfilloval (round (x2), round (y) + 200 - (100 - b), 10, 10, 16)
end for
end for
alittle more enhanced one
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 8:31 pm Post subject: (No subject)
better yet
procedure jspeed (var s : real, i, ii : int)
var x, y : real
%s := sqrt ((i ** 2) - (ii ** 2))
s := ((- ((ii / i) ** 2)) + 100)
end jspeed
var y, x, x2 := 0.0
var xx1, xx2, yy1, yy2 := 0
var bouncability := 10
colorback (16)
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
for decreasing b : 100 .. 10 by bouncability
for i : -b .. b by 5
jspeed (y, 10, i)
if i > 0 then
jspeed (x, 10, i)
jspeed (x, 10, -i)
end if
x2 += x div 30
drawfilloval (round (x2), round (y) + 200 - (100 - b), 10, 10, 9)
xx1 := round (x2) - 11
yy1 := round (y) + 200 - (100 - b) - 11
drawdot (round (x2) - 11, round (y) + 200 - (100 - b) - 11, 15)
drawline (xx1, yy1, xx2, yy2, 12)
xx2 := xx1
yy2 := yy1
delay (10)
drawfilloval (round (x2), round (y) + 200 - (100 - b), 10, 10, 16)
end for
end for
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:53 pm Post subject: (No subject)
guess this is another way of explaining bouncing
var x, y := 200
var dirx, diry := true
View.Set ("offscreenonly")
var mousex, mousey, mouseb : int
function mouseover (x, y, x1, y1, x2, y2 : int) : boolean
if x >= x1 and x <= x2 then
if y >= y1 and y <= y2 then
result true
end if
end if
result false
end mouseover
mousewhere (mousex, mousey, mouseb)
drawbox (mousex - 10, mousey - 40, mousex, mousey + 40, 9)
drawfilloval (x, y, 10, 10, 9)
delay (1)
case dirx of
label true :
x += 2
label false :
x -= 2
end case
case diry of
label true :
y -= 1
label false :
y += 1
end case
if x >= 630 or x <= 0 then
dirx := not dirx
end if
if y >= 390 or y <= 0 then
diry := not diry
end if
if mouseover (x, y, mousex - 10, mousey - 40, mousex, mousey + 40) then
dirx := not dirx
end if
if mouseover (x, y, mousex - 10, mousey - 40, mousex, mousey + 40) then
diry := not diry
end if
end loop
Posted: Fri Apr 25, 2003 11:54 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:01 am Post subject: (No subject)
pong sux and it's too easy to make i cant believe a stupid online game of pong won a prize at the contest at even i could have done better
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:13 am Post subject: (No subject)
well considering they have about just 5 users.. its good for them that they got something submited
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 12:13 am Post subject: (No subject)
pong didnt win ne thing there, tho a physics sim did
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 8:32 am Post subject: (No subject)
Homer dont be such an ass, especially when you have no idea of what you are talking about.
Catalyst won it with his f00kin awesome 3d space shooter type game, "Solar Blue". It r0x.
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 11:29 am Post subject: (No subject)
Hey dont be so critical james u jackass!!! so i thought that pong won... that doesn't make an ass
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 11:31 am Post subject: Catalyst help!!!!
catalyst do u know any other websites that are like this one( with all those formulas documented in it?!
Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2003 1:50 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Catalyst - I hope you'll be uploading your game here soon. I'd love to see it. 8)