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 Hourly snapshots
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:52 am   Post subject: Hourly snapshots

Well I wasn't sure where to post this because I could be done with any language (like C++, VB and... yeah etc).

Could someone create a script for me Rolling Eyes
that basically rar's a folder (best compression) every hour and then creats the RAR in a certin folder...

I don't know any language other then PHP <- Which im still learning so yeah...


PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 5:01 pm   Post subject: Re: Hourly snapshots

Amailer wrote:
Well I wasn't sure where to post this because I could be done with any language (like C++, VB and... yeah etc).

Could someone create a script for me Rolling Eyes
that basically rar's a folder (best compression) every hour and then creats the RAR in a certin folder...

I don't know any language other then PHP <- Which im still learning so yeah...


If you're on Windows, and WinRAR has a command-line interface, I'd say create a batch file and set it up to run every hour. I'd google for "batch file" and "run hourly".

PostPosted: Sun Nov 07, 2004 9:44 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I couldn't find anything on google, but im still looking but.

CD C:\Program Files\WinRAR\
WinRAR a -r -v362 -s -sfx -rr save

Now, im not sure how to use the rar commands correctly but I was looking at the help file, and when i tired that it worked actually but i have no clue how to make it so that it zips a whole folder and puts the zip file into a specific folder. (and it shouldn't be im parts)

if you could help me out here that would be gr8, i think i got the hourly thing settled Wink
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