Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 5:36 pm Post subject: [Ada-tut] Control Structures: If ... Else |
In many programs there will be a time when you need to make a choice and do one of two or more possibilities based on the values of the variables at that point in the program.
Generally we call this a "conditional", and the usual words associated with it are "if" and "else". Ada is no different, except that we can have more than just two choices, and for the "in between" choices we use "elsif".
A simple example
So, let's look at a simple example. In thise example we'll compare 8 to 8. If they're the same, then all is well with the universe. If they're not, then the laws of mathematics have gone out the window.
code: | with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Simple_Program is
if 8 = 8 then
Put_Line("All is well with the universe.");
Put_Line("The laws of mathematics went out the proverbial window.");
end if;
end Simple_Program; |
Another choice
If 8 equals 7, then the universe is almost right.
code: | with Ada.Text_IO; use Ada.Text_IO;
procedure Simple_Program is
if 8 = 8 then
Put_Line("All is well with the universe.");
elsif 8 = 7 then
Put_Line("Close enough for government work.");
Put_Line("The laws of mathematics went out the proverbial window.");
end if;
end Simple_Program; |
You can include as many "elsif" conditions as necessary. |