Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 11:57 am Post subject: HELP ASAP!
Hi i am a computer science student who has a dumb teacher who cant teach... i have an ISP aka project due in like a few days and i need some help to program a basic application.. i was thinking of a metric converter but can some1 plz help me n code a basic application for me! PLZ!!
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Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 1:18 pm Post subject: (No subject)
1. Even if your teacher was an actual pet rock that just sat at the front of the class and never said a word you should be able to figure out a metric conversoin program by just taking some time and looking at the VB section of this site.
2. Posting HELP ASAP in a help section is stateing the obvious you should have labelled it "HELP ME CHEAT ON MY FINAL PROJECT"
3. Asking for someone to do your final project for you is an invite for a flame-fest.
Posted: Sat Jun 05, 2004 10:16 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Ahem, now for some help. I haven't done VB for a bit so I won't use any special language for it (I wasn't good at it even when I did try it anyways).
What you have to do is have a group of radio buttons that you can check to choose which conversions you want. Then you just have and editable text field that you input the number into then you haev a non-editable text field that you return the conversion to. If you don't know how to do that, then I suggest you just fail the course and take something else in lieu of it next year.
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 1:01 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Okay.. you're very vague.
Be more specific... then we can help you.
Posted: Sun Jun 06, 2004 9:49 pm Post subject: ok..
well i jsut need a program to me able to make conversions for a simple math class so cm - m , mm - cm , m -km , and cm - inches and thats it! HURRY ASAP
Posted: Tue Jun 08, 2004 11:46 pm Post subject: Re: ok..
There's really not much to conversions:
Private Function cm2m(ByVal cm As Double) As Double
cm2m = cm / 10 ^ 2
End Function
Private Function mm2cm(ByVal mm As Double) As Double
mm2cm = mm / 10 ^ 1
End Function
Private Function m2km(ByVal m As Double) As Double
m2km = m / 10 ^ 3
End Function
Private Function cm2in(ByVal cm As Double) As Double
cm2in = cm / 2.54
End Function
I assume you know how to use option/command buttons...
You can display the answers somewhat like this:
Label1.Caption = cm2in(Text1.Text)
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:08 pm Post subject: Re: ok..
dragonsace wrote:
well i jsut need a program to me able to make conversions for a simple math class so cm - m , mm - cm , m -km , and cm - inches and thats it! HURRY ASAP
You're asking others to do YOUR final project FOR YOU, at least you could be patient.
Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2004 9:30 pm Post subject: (No subject)
The best way to get help around here is to start with what you know, and then to read tutorials and past posts without posting anything. When you have exausted all possible avenues, post your code and a coherent question, explaining what it is that you are stuck on.