setscreen ("graphics:svga4")
setscreen ("noecho")
setscreen ("graphics:800;600")
var keypress : string (1) := " "
var x : int := 30
var y : int := 30
var a : int := 45
var counter : int := 0
var finish : int := 0
proc Rpac1
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 40, 320, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 320, 40, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 40, 320, 0)
end Rpac1
proc Rpac2
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 25, 345, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 345, 25, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 25, 345, 0)
end Rpac2
proc Rpac3
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 10, 350, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 350, 10, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 10, 350, 0)
end Rpac3
proc Lpac1
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 220, 140, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 140, 220, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 220, 140, 0)
end Lpac1
proc Lpac2
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 195, 165, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 165, 195, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 195, 165, 0)
end Lpac2
proc Lpac3
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 190, 170, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 170, 190, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 190, 170, 0)
end Lpac3
proc Upac1
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 130, 50, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 50, 130, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 130, 50, 0)
end Upac1
proc Upac2
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 105, 75, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 75, 105, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 105, 75, 0)
end Upac2
proc Upac3
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 110, 80, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 80, 110, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 110, 80, 0)
end Upac3
proc Dpac1
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 295, 230, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 230, 295, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 295, 230, 0)
end Dpac1
proc Dpac2
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 275, 245, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 245, 275, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 275, 245, 0)
end Dpac2
proc Dpac3
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 270, 290, 14)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 290, 270, 0)
delay (30)
drawfillarc (x, y, 15, 15, 270, 290, 0)
end Dpac3
drawfillbox (15, 10, 805, 600, 1)
drawfillbox (20, 20, 795, 590, 0)
%aliens box
drawfillbox (335, 295, 485, 385, 4)
drawfillbox (345, 305, 475, 375, 0)
drawfillbox (425, 386, 395, 375, 15)
%bottom left
drawfillbox (80, 80, 90, 300, 43)
drawfillbox (80, 290, 270, 300, 43)
drawfillbox (80, 80, 200, 90, 43)
drawfillbox (270, 80, 280, 160, 43)
drawfillbox (280, 160, 160, 150, 43)
drawfillbox (160, 220, 350, 230, 43)
drawfillbox (340, 80, 350, 230, 43)
drawfillbox (340, 80, 480, 90, 43)
drawfillbox (470, 80, 480, 230, 43)
drawfillbox (405, 150, 415, 230, 43)
%bottom left
drawfillbox (550, 80, 560, 230, 43)
drawfillbox (550, 80, 720, 90, 43)
drawfillbox (720, 80, 730, 230, 43)
drawfillbox (730, 230, 550, 220, 43)
drawfillbox (720, 300, 730, 460, 43)
drawfillbox (730, 470, 550, 460, 43)
drawfillbox (650, 300, 660, 400, 43)
drawfillbox (660, 400, 550, 390, 43)
drawfillbox (550, 400, 560, 300, 43)
drawfillbox (550, 300, 660, 310, 43)
drawfillbox (550, 520, 730, 530, 43)
drawfillbox (470, 530, 480, 460, 43)
drawfillbox (480, 460, 340, 450, 43)
drawfillbox (400, 530, 80, 520, 43)
drawfillbox (80, 530, 90, 380, 43)
drawfillbox (80, 380, 270, 390, 43)
drawfillbox (160, 450, 270, 460, 43)
var pacdots : array 1 .. 4, 1 .. 200 of int
for number : 1 .. 13
pacdots (1, number) := 60 * number - 13
pacdots (2, number) := 50
pacdots (3, number) := 1
pacdots (4, number) := 1
end for
for number2 : 14 .. 26
pacdots (1, number2) := (60 * (number2 - 13)) - 13
pacdots (2, number2) := 560
pacdots (3, number2) := 1
pacdots (4, number2) := 1
end for
for number3 : 27 .. 35
pacdots (1, number3) := 47
pacdots (2, number3) := ((number3 - 26) * 60) - 10
pacdots (3, number3) := 1
pacdots (4, number3) := 1
end for
for number4 : 36 .. 44
pacdots (1, number4) := 768
pacdots (2, number4) := ((number4 - 35) * 60) - 10
pacdots (3, number4) := 1
pacdots (4, number4) := 1
end for
for number5 : 45 .. 52
pacdots (1, number5) := 520
pacdots (2, number5) := ((number5 - 44) * 60) + 50
pacdots (3, number5) := 1
pacdots (4, number5) := 1
end for
for number6 : 53 .. 56
pacdots (1, number6) := 300
pacdots (2, number6) := ((number6 - 52) * 60) + 195
pacdots (3, number6) := 1
pacdots (4, number6) := 1
end for
for number7 : 57 .. 59
pacdots (1, number7) := (number7 - 55) * 60
pacdots (2, number7) := 255
pacdots (3, number7) := 1
pacdots (4, number7) := 1
end for
for number8 : 60 .. 62
pacdots (1, number8) := (number8 - 54) * 60
pacdots (2, number8) := 255
pacdots (3, number8) := 1
pacdots (4, number8) := 1
end for
for number9 : 63 .. 65
pacdots (1, number9) := ((number9 - 53) * 60) - 10
pacdots (2, number9) := 255
pacdots (3, number9) := 1
pacdots (4, number9) := 1
end for
for number10 : 66 .. 71
pacdots (1, number10) := ((number10 - 64) * 60) + 10
pacdots (2, number10) := 495
pacdots (3, number10) := 1
pacdots (4, number10) := 1
end for
for number11 : 72 .. 74
pacdots (1, number11) := ((number11 - 70) * 60) + 10
pacdots (2, number11) := 420
pacdots (3, number11) := 1
pacdots (4, number11) := 1
end for
for number12 : 75 .. 77
pacdots (1, number12) := ((number12 - 69) * 60)
pacdots (2, number12) := 420
pacdots (3, number12) := 1
pacdots (4, number12) := 1
end for
for number13 : 78 .. 80
pacdots (1, number13) := ((number13 - 69) * 60) + 35
pacdots (2, number13) := 420
pacdots (3, number13) := 1
pacdots (4, number13) := 1
end for
for number14 : 81 .. 83
pacdots (1, number14) := ((number14 - 71) * 60) - 25
pacdots (2, number14) := 500
pacdots (3, number14) := 1
end for
for number15 : 84 .. 87
pacdots (1, number15) := ((number15 - 82) * 60)
pacdots (2, number15) := 200
pacdots (3, number15) := 1
end for
for number16 : 88 .. 90
pacdots (1, number16) := ((number16 - 86) * 60)
pacdots (2, number16) := 120
pacdots (3, number16) := 1
end for
for number17 : 91 .. 92
pacdots (1, number17) := 310
pacdots (2, number17) := ((number17 - 89) * 60) - 15
pacdots (3, number17) := 1
end for
for number18 : 93 .. 95
pacdots (1, number18) := ((number18 - 91) * 60)
pacdots (2, number18) := 350
pacdots (3, number18) := 1
end for
for number19 : 96 .. 97
pacdots (1, number19) := 375
pacdots (2, number19) := ((number19 - 94) * 60) + 10
pacdots (3, number19) := 1
end for
for number20 : 98 .. 99
pacdots (1, number20) := 440
pacdots (2, number20) := ((number20 - 96) * 60) + 10
pacdots (3, number20) := 1
end for
for number21 : 100 .. 101
pacdots (1, number21) := 690
pacdots (2, number21) := ((number21 - 95) * 60) + 5
pacdots (3, number21) := 1
end for
for drawing : 1 .. 101
if pacdots (3, drawing) = 1 then
drawfilloval (pacdots (1, drawing), (pacdots (2,
drawing)), 5, 5, 15)
end if
end for
if hasch = true then
getch (keypress)
end if
for checking : 1 .. 101
if pacdots (3, checking) = 1 then
if x >= pacdots (1, checking) - 15 and x <= pacdots (1,
+ 15 and y >= pacdots (2, checking) - 15
and y <= pacdots (2, checking) + 15 then
pacdots (3, checking) := 0
sound (300, 10)
end if
end if
end for
finish := 0
for ending : 1 .. 101
finish := finish + pacdots (3, ending)
end for
if ord (keypress) = 205 then
x := x + 9
if counter = 1 then
elsif counter = 2 then
elsif counter = 3 then
end if
elsif ord (keypress) = 203 then
x := x - 9
if counter = 1 then
elsif counter = 2 then
elsif counter = 3 then
end if
elsif ord (keypress) = 200 then
y := y + 9
if counter = 1 then
elsif counter = 2 then
elsif counter = 3 then
end if
elsif ord (keypress) = 208 then
y := y - 9
if counter = 1 then
elsif counter = 2 then
elsif counter = 3 then
sound (1000, 200)
end if
end if
counter := counter + 1
if x <= 50 then
x := 50
elsif x >= 50 and x <= 65 and y >= 65 and y <= 315 then
x := 50
elsif x >= 50 and x <= 65 and y >= 370 and y <= 540 then
x := 50
elsif x >= 100 and x <= 115 and y >= 135 and y <= 315 then
x := 116
elsif x >= 100 and x <= 115 and y >= 65 and y < 135 then
x := 116
elsif x >= 100 and x <= 115 and y >= 370 and y <= 540 then
x := 116
elsif x >= 290 and x <= 305 and y >= 65 and y <= 180 then
x := 306
elsif x >= 240 and x <= 255 and y >= 65 and y <= 180 then
x := 239
elsif x >= 350 and x <= 375 and y >= 65 and y <= 250 then
x := 376
elsif x >= 315 and x <= 330 and y >= 65 and y <= 250 then
x := 314
elsif x >= 500 and x <= 515 and y >= 65 and y <= 250 then
x := 516
elsif x >= 443 and x <= 463 and y >= 65 and y <= 250 then
x := 441
elsif x >= 425 and x <= 440 and y >= 125 and y <= 250 then
x := 441
elsif x >= 375 and x <= 390 and y >= 125 and y <= 250 then
x := 379
elsif x >= 300 and x <= 315 and y >= 280 and y <= 400 then
x := 299
elsif x >= 500 and x <= 515 and y >= 280 and y <= 400 then
x := 516
elsif x >= 520 and x <= 535 and y >= 65 and y <= 240 then
x := 519
elsif x >= 740 and x <= 755 and y >= 65 and y <= 240 then
x := 755
elsif x >= 738 and x <= 753 and y >= 280 and y <= 480 then
x := 758
elsif x >= 690 and x <= 705 and y >= 280 and y <= 420 then
x := 690
elsif x >= 690 and x <= 705 and y > 420 and y <= 480 then
x := 690
y := 430
y := y - 1
elsif x >= 675 and x <= 690 and y >= 280 and y <= 415 then
x := 691
elsif x >= 516 and x <= 531 and y >= 280 and y <= 415 then
x := 519
elsif x >= 500 and x <= 515 and y >= 430 and y <= 550 then
x := 516
elsif x >= 440 and x <= 455 and y >= 430 and y <= 550 then
x := 439
elsif y >= 50 and y <= 65 and x >= 50 and x <= 220 then
y := 50
elsif y >= 100 and y <= 115 and x >= 50 and x <= 220 then
y := 115
elsif y >= 120 and y <= 135 and x >= 140 and x <= 300 then
y := 120
elsif y >= 170 and y <= 185 and x >= 140 and x <= 300 then
y := 185
elsif y >= 190 and y <= 205 and x >= 140 and x <= 350 then
y := 190
elsif y >= 242 and y <= 257 and x >= 140 and x <= 350 then
y := 260
elsif y >= 260 and y <= 275 and x >= 65 and x <= 285 then
y := 260
elsif y >= 310 and y <= 325 and x >= 65 and x <= 285 then
y := 325
elsif y >= 350 and y <= 365 and x >= 65 and x <= 285 then
y := 350
elsif y >= 405 and y <= 420 and x >= 65 and x <= 285 then
y := 418
elsif y >= 420 and y <= 435 and x >= 130 and x <= 285 then
y := 420
elsif y >= 475 and y <= 490 and x >= 130 and x <= 285 then
y := 490
elsif y >= 490 and y <= 505 and x >= 65 and x <= 420 then
y := 490
elsif y >= 550 and y <= 565 and x >= 65 and x <= 420 then
y := 565
elsif y >= 420 and y <= 435 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 420
elsif y >= 475 and y <= 490 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 490
elsif y >= 400 and y <= 415 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 415
elsif y >= 270 and y <= 285 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 270
elsif y >= 50 and y <= 65 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 50
elsif y >= 100 and y <= 115 and x >= 320 and x <= 500 then
y := 117
elsif y >= 50 and y <= 65 and x >= 535 and x <= 750 then
y := 50
elsif y >= 240 and y <= 255 and x >= 535 and x <= 750 then
y := 255
elsif y >= 270 and y <= 285 and x >= 535 and x <= 680 then
y := 270
elsif y >= 410 and y <= 425 and x >= 535 and x <= 680 then
y := 425
elsif y >= 430 and y <= 445 and x >= 535 and x <= 740 then
y := 430
elsif y >= 480 and y <= 495 and x >= 535 and x <= 740 then
y := 495
elsif y >= 495 and y <= 510 and x >= 535 and x <= 740 then
y := 495
elsif y >= 550 and y <= 565 and x >= 535 and x <= 740 then
y := 565
%Little End Pieces
elsif x >= 210 and x <= 225 and y >= 70 and y <= 100 then
x := 225
elsif x >= 135 and x <= 150 and y >= 140 and y <= 170 then
x := 135
elsif x >= 135 and x <= 150 and y >= 200 and y <= 240 then
x := 135
elsif x >= 280 and x <= 295 and y >= 270 and y <= 310 then
x := 295
elsif x >= 280 and x <= 295 and y >= 370 and y <= 400 then
x := 295
elsif x >= 280 and x <= 295 and y >= 430 and y <= 480 then
x := 295
elsif x >= 130 and x <= 145 and y >= 430 and y <= 480 then
x := 130
elsif x >= 310 and x <= 325 and y >= 430 and y <= 480 then
x := 310
elsif x >= 410 and x <= 425 and y >= 490 and y <= 540 then
x := 425
elsif x >= 520 and x <= 535 and y >= 500 and y <= 550 then
x := 520
elsif x >= 740 and x <= 755 and y >= 510 and y <= 550 then
x := 755
elsif x >= 520 and x <= 535 and y >= 460 and y <= 490 then
x := 520
elsif y >= 55 and y <= 70 and x >= 240 and x <= 280 then
y := 55
elsif y >= 240 and y <= 255 and x >= 380 and x <= 420 then
y := 255
elsif y >= 120 and y <= 135 and x >= 380 and x <= 420 then
y := 120
elsif y >= 240 and y <= 255 and x >= 430 and x <= 490 then
y := 255
elsif y >= 270 and y <= 285 and x >= maxx - 90 and x <= maxx -
60 then
y := 270
elsif y >= 540 and y <= 555 and x >= 450 and x <= 490 then
y := 555
elsif x >= maxx - 30 then
x := maxx - 30
end if
if y <= 50 then
y := 50
elsif y >= maxy - 40 then
y := maxy - 40
end if
if counter = 3 then
counter := 0
end if
exit when finish = 0
end loop