%The "Number System Converter"
%Enter a number, the base its in and it will convert it to the base you desire
var winID : int
winID := Window.Open ("position:center;center") %Opens the window with the screen size specified
%The following procedure fades in text when you call them with the proper perameters filled
procedure FadeIn (title : string, x, y : int, size, speed : int)
var font : int := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:" + intstr (size))
for decreasing i : 31 .. 16
Font.Draw (title, x, y, font, i)
delay (speed)
end for
put ""
end FadeIn
%The following procedure fades out text when you call them with the proper perameters filled
procedure FadeOut (title : string, x, y : int, size, speed : int)
var font : int := Font.New ("Comic Sans MS:" + intstr
for i : 16 .. 31
Font.Draw (title, x, y, font, i)
delay (speed)
end for
put ""
end FadeOut
%This is where the Fade in and Fade out
FadeIn ("Number System Converter", 25, 199, 35, 100)
FadeOut ("Number System Converter", 25, 199, 35, 100)
FadeIn ("Converts Base to Base", 200, 199, 15, 100)
FadeOut ("Converts Base to Base", 200, 199, 15, 100)
FadeIn ("By Danny Klassen", 200, 199, 15, 75)
FadeOut ("By Danny Klassen", 200, 199, 15, 75)
%The next four lines draws a box the size of the screen that fades from white to black
for decreasing j : 31 .. 16
Draw.FillBox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, j)
delay (100)
end for
procedure converter
var base1, base2, dec : int %Declares all of the int variables
var num1, num2, input1, input2 : string %Declares all of the string variables
colorback (16) %sets the background color to black
color (31) %Sets the text color to white
locate (1, 1) %locates the text to row 1 column 1
put "What would you like to do?"
put "i - Learn About Bases"
put "c - Convert Numbers"
get input1
if input1 = "i" then
put "Base 2 = Binary"
put "Base 8 = Octal"
put "Base 10 = Decimal"
put "Base 16 = Hexidecimal"
put "Are you done? x to exit"
get input2
if input2 = "x" then
put "invalid entry"
end if
elsif input1 = "c" then
put "Which number would you like to convert?"
get num1 %Receives input from user
put "Which base is this number in?"
get base1 %Receives input from user
put "Which base would you like to convert this number to?"
get base2 %Receives input from user
/*The following takes all of the input received and basically
repeats it all for the users benifit*/
put "You inputed", " ", num1, " ",
" as the number you wanted converted"
put "You inputed", " ", base1, " ",
" as the base you are converting from"
put "You inputed", " ", base2, " ",
" as the base you are converting to"
put ""
/*The next two lines are the heart of the program.
They do all of the converting of numbers from any base to any base*/
dec := strint (num1, base1)
num2 := intstr (dec, 0, base2)
color (54) %Sets text color to light blue
/*The following put statements output the conversion data in color coding
so that it is easy to see where the conversion is */
put num1, " " ..
color (31)
put "in base", " " ..
color (yellow)
put base1 ..
color (31)
put " ", "is", " " ..
color (54)
put num2, " " ..
color (31)
put "in base ", " " ..
color (yellow)
put base2
color (31)
put " "
end if
end converter
/*The next lines of code are a menu I created to allow the user to choose if s/he wants to
convert another number. If they input 1 the it will go back to the begining otherwise it will
procedure menu
var input : int
put " Would you like to convert another number?"
put " 1. Yes "
put " 2. No "
put " Input 1 or 2 for the above selection options"
get input
if input = 1 then
cls %Clears the screen
converter %Calls the converter procedure
elsif input = 2 then
Window.Close (winID) %Closes the window
exit %ends the program
put "Invalid Entry"
delay (2000)
menu %Calls the menu procedure
end if
end loop
end menu
converter %Calls the procedure converter
menu %Calls the procedure menu