Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 8:54 am Post subject: Assisted/Non-Assisted Suicide
Do you think it euthanasia is ok? Do you think suicide is ok (non-assisted)?
I think that if you seriously want to kill yourself, then you should as no one but yourself has a right to tell you that you have to live. Concerning euthanasia, if the patient is legally sane, then they should have a right to order it done. I also think that life insurance should not be voided if a suicide was the cause of death, as long as the life insurance policy was taken out at least a year before the death.
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Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 11:42 am Post subject: (No subject)
Your a weird kid.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:08 pm Post subject: (No subject)
weren't there death salesmen back in the depression days. You pay them so they shove you off a building/bridge? cause some ppl don't have the guts to do it themselves?
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:14 pm Post subject: (No subject)
That's not what this is about and it's not about if i'm a weird kid. You tell me i'm weird but you don't say whether you agree of disagree. My opinion doesn't mean I'm weird, it means I have respect for other's wishes when it concerns whether they want to die.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 12:36 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I think if a patient wants to be euthanised(spelling?) then they should have to do it themselves. They should have yo pull the plug and not make some poor doctor do it. If your in too much pain to live then you kill yourself.
With non assisted suicide, go for it but dont put the burden of reading your letter of how much your life sucked on us. We dont want to read it you pansy. If you want to kill yourself then your obviously a wimp and cant handle things not going your way.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 2:15 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I'd have to disagree, sometimes people are depressed and are not mentally capable of dealing with it. If it's something stupid like you broke up with your girlfriend or something and you can't deal with that and you aren't depressed or mentally ill, then yes that is stupid.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 3:39 pm Post subject: (No subject)
i knew u would make this like 1 day b4 u made this...
but..... yes... if u want to die i think u should be able to order it done (if ur sane).. as for the insurance... hmmm dont think so...
as for non-asisted suicide.... if they are totaly sane and have no one is their lives ***no family or friends or co-workers or anything <<i mean NO ONE! then... i gues its ok.. but still... thats a harsh way to end your life...
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 5:40 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Still thats sorta the cowards way out.
If your getting wuthanised your family shouldnt be able to collect life insurance though. Which i dont think you can anyway since that pretty much is considered suicide and u cant collect insurance from suicide.
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Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 6:11 pm Post subject: (No subject)
No, you'd only be able to collect the insurance if the policy was taken out a long time before the actual suicide.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 6:31 pm Post subject: (No subject)
ya but if ur euthanised your family doesnt collect on insurance like they wuld if u flat out died
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 9:11 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Shit, didn't see this thread. Look at my post in the "Abortion" thread.
Adding to that: If the person decided themselves. I don't care if someone pulls the trigger for them. Also, even if you're clinically insane. You still have the right to choose suicide. And I won't fight it. If someone that looney wants to hang-themself, how different is that then anyone else? Honestly.. there is no difference. don't argue that. There is no goddamn difference. You're an idiot anyways for wanting to slit your own wrists, clinically or not, you still are one.
if they are totaly sane and have no one is their lives ***no family or friends or co-workers or anything <<i mean NO ONE! then... i gues its ok.. but still... thats a harsh way to end your life...
There's no reason to have no one. If you don't have anyone in your life, it was your dumbass choice. You're not forced to have no one. It's out of stupidity and self-hate that people choose to kill themselves. Either that or you owe the mafia $2,000,000,000.
Seriously, those who kill themselves because they feel they have "no one to love"... are fucking morons. Go to a bar, join a church, do some charity work, you'll meet people. To me, living in pain because of this feeling of drastic solitute, is simply stupid. If you're not smart enough to realize that you can ACTUALLY MEET PEOPLE BY INTERACTING WITH THEM EVERY NOW AND THEN! Then yes... suicide is the only option for you. Please, grab a knife, slit your wrists, and dive into your bath-tub full of warm water. Thanks.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:12 pm Post subject: (No subject)
All hail templest... the 'Thread Ender'
yea... i guess that didn;t make much sensel.. i though abuot it after i posted... but i said 'meh' and ddidn't care... ... good speech there templest....
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:22 pm Post subject: (No subject)
If your a loser living in depression because you have no friends or w/e go ahead and blow yourself away. YOur saving us the burden of you complaining and bitching about how bad your life is.
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:23 pm Post subject: (No subject)
If you're not mentally able to comprehend what you are doing to yourself [committing suicide], then how are you an idiot. Does not being mentally incapable make you an idiot?
Posted: Sun Apr 11, 2004 10:51 pm Post subject: (No subject)
If you're not mentally able to comprehend what you are doing to yourself [committing suicide], then how are you an idiot. Does not being mentally incapable make you an idiot?
You answered your own question. So I guess that was pretty pointless?.
Questions Restated and answered (by yourself):
Q: Then how are you an idiot for not being mentally capable or understanding what your doing to yourself? A: Doesn't being mentally incapable make you an idiot?
Simply for reassurance. I'll back you up by saying yes. Technically, no. I forget the IQ range, but if you're there, than your an idiot. But in a more loose vocabulary with vague definitions, yes. You are correct.
If you are commiting suicide for stupid reasons like: "I have no friends, no girl's ever going to like me, I hate my parents (usually accompanied with 'they hate me')" then you are an idiot. Or at least display all the qualities of one.
1) %90 of the time, your parents don't hate you. You're probably just such a pain in the ass that not even your parents can take it and you don't realize.
2) No matter how much of a loser you are. If you would take the time to stop worrying about rejection and talking to girls, out of 100 girls you meet. More than one is bound to like you. More than half the world's population is women. You do the math. Besides, you might feel intimidated, but actually girls make better "friendlier friends", are more gentle, and will usually be more open emmotionaly. Which is more than perfect for you sensitive/suicidal maniac.
3) It's very easy to make friends. Here's a quick lesson to make some friends fast (pay close attention, this is for all you suicidals in the audience):
a) Pick any interest, It can be a hobby, something you really enjoy, or something you want to learn about.
b) Join a club or something to the sort where you can share these interest with others, ie: a chess club, counter-strike clan/LAN group, book discussion group, cooking class, art class, basketball camp, ect.
c) Try and be friendly. They're not all out to get you. Make conversation. About whatever it is you're doing there perhaps? If someone is good, ask for advice in a casual way on how to do something, nothing makes someone feel good more than when you ask for advice. Not having people do stuff for you, but advice/help. It makes them feel smart. . Aswell, try being a good listener. Start some conversation, and let that person do most of the talking, It sort of makes them vent. Don't be a vegetable, you talk as well, agree with some points, dissagree with some (in a non-violent way, this is cruitial.). Show them your different. Not like, you like to collect rat brains and put them in jars type of different. But make yourself stand out, hint: You don't have to dress gothicly to stand out. Wear a shirt that says "Fcuk You" or something.
That's making friends 101. In the words of some dude from undergrads:
"Join a club! Meet new people! Joining a club is the best way to meet new people!"
Back to my point. Yes, you are stupid for wanting to commit suicide. Because there is no need to, imho.