Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:16 pm Post subject: Awesome graphs
colorback (black)
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
color (white)
for t : 1 .. 36000
x := (sin (t / 10) * 300) * sin (t)
y := (cos (t / 10) * 200) * sin (t)
drawdot (round (x) + 320, round (y) + 200, white);
end for
colorback (black)
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
color (white)
for t : 1 .. 36000
x := (sin (t / 10) * 300) * cos (t)
y := (cos (t / 10) * 200) * sin (t)
drawdot (round (x) + 320, round (y) + 200, white);
end for
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Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:26 pm Post subject: (No subject)
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
colorback (black)
for i : 3 .. 11
for t : 1 .. 36000
x := (sin (t / 10) ** i) * 200
y := (cos (t / 10) ** i) * 100
drawdot (round (x) + 320, round (y) + 200, white);
end for
end for
this one will take a while to load
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
colorback (black)
for i : 1 .. 399 by 2
for t : 1 .. 3600
x := (sin (t / 100) ** 1) * 200
y := (cos (t / 100) ** i) * 100
drawdot (round (x) + 320, round (y) + 200, white);
end for
end for
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
colorback (black)
for t : 1 .. 36000
x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100
y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + t / 100
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white);
end for
for decreasing t : 36000 .. 1
x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100 + 360
y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + 360 - (t / 100)
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white);
end for
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:13 pm Post subject: (No subject)
funky, I especially liked the one that took a long time to load, looked like a big giant eye.
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:59 pm Post subject: (No subject)
looks cool. I also like the eye one
I notice you've got a bunch of semi-colons in there. Is that a habit from Java?
Those ; didn't mess up the program. Interesting... I suppose Turing uses those ; but doesn't require them?
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:05 pm Post subject: (No subject)
turing seems not to care whether use traditional semi-colons or its system
for example this runs fine
setscreen ("offscreenonly");var y, x := 0.0;colorback (black);cls; for t : 1 .. 36000 x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100; y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + t / 100;
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white); end for for decreasing t : 36000 .. 1
x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100 + 360; y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + 360 - (t / 100);
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white); end for View.Update;
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:09 pm Post subject: (No subject)
That explains the setscreen
is the same as
the list goes on.
And Thats some cool effects homer, i still dont know what sin and cos are exactly.... oh well ill know by June in end of math ;D
Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:33 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Very neat.
I also liked the one that looked like an eye. It reminded me of the Eye of Barad-Ur(sp?)... ie. Sauron's tower in lord of the rings
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 4:36 am Post subject: (No subject)
Catalyst wrote:
turing seems not to care whether use traditional semi-colons or its system
for example this runs fine
setscreen ("offscreenonly");var y, x := 0.0;colorback (black);cls; for t : 1 .. 36000 x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100; y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + t / 100;
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white); end for for decreasing t : 36000 .. 1
x := ((cos (t / 100)) * 100) + t / 100 + 360; y := ((sin (t / 100)) * 200) + 360 - (t / 100);
drawdot (round (x), round (y), white); end for View.Update;
yeah just use ; i dunno... i guess it's a force of habbit...
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Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 8:13 am Post subject: (No subject)
SuperGenius wrote:
Very neat.
I also liked the one that looked like an eye. It reminded me of the Eye of Barad-Ur(sp?)... ie. Sauron's tower in lord of the rings
I think it'd be Barad-dur. Something along the lines of 'tower of darkness' or some such evil. And yeah, I totally agree, that's just what I was thinking when I saw it.
Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:14 am Post subject: (No subject)
what's more is that, when you take the code that catalyst posted, and take iout the ;s it works fine too. You could probably condense short1's pac man into one line of code
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 3:12 am Post subject: (No subject)
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
var y, x := 0.0;
colorback (black)
for i : 1 .. 399 by 2
for t : 1 .. 3600
x := (sin (t / 100) ** 1) * 200
y := (cos (t / 100) ** i) * 100
drawdot (round (x) + 320, round (y) + 200, 44 - ((i div 67) mod 6));
end for
end for
makes it look like that eye thingy in lord of the rings =Þ
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:04 am Post subject: (No subject)
Look at these, I just stumbled upon lituus spirals the other day and I've been playing around with them... who would've imagined math could not suck?
Lituus spiral: r^2 = a^2 / theta
setscreen ("graphics:max;max,nobuttonbar")
var a := 800
var spacing := 1
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 0)
drawline (maxx div 2, 0, maxx div 2, maxy, 23)
drawline (0, maxy div 2, maxx, maxy div 2, 23)
for i : 1 .. 1080 by spacing
drawline (maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i) * cosd (i)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i) * sind (i)),
maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * cosd (i + spacing)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * sind (i + spacing)), 12)
drawline (maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i) * cosd (i)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i) * sind (i)),
maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * cosd (i + spacing)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * sind (i + spacing)), 12)
drawline (maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i) * sind (i)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i) * cosd (i)),
maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * sind (i + spacing)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * cosd (i + spacing)), 12)
drawline (maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i) * sind (i)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i) * cosd (i)),
maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * sind (i + spacing)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (i + spacing) * cosd (i + spacing)), 12)
end for
And this one (takes a little while to run)
setscreen ("graphics:max;max,nobuttonbar")
var spacing := 2
var clr : int
drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 7)
drawline (maxx div 2, 0, maxx div 2, maxy, 23)
drawline (0, maxy div 2, maxx, maxy div 2, 23)
for i : 0 .. 255
RGB.SetColour (i, i / 255, i / 255, i * 4 / 5 / 255)
end for
for a : 1 .. 800 by 5
for theta : 1 .. 540 by spacing
clr := round (a * 255 / 1200)
Draw.ThickLine (maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta) * cosd (theta)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta) * sind (theta)),
maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * cosd (theta + spacing)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * sind (theta + spacing)), 2, clr)
Draw.ThickLine (maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta) * cosd (theta)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta) * sind (theta)),
maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * cosd (theta + spacing)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * sind (theta + spacing)), 2, clr)
Draw.ThickLine (maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta) * sind (theta)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta) * cosd (theta)),
maxx div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * sind (theta + spacing)), maxy div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * cosd (theta + spacing)), 2, clr)
Draw.ThickLine (maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta) * sind (theta)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta) * cosd (theta)),
maxx div 2 - round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * sind (theta + spacing)), maxy div 2 + round (a / sqrt (theta + spacing) * cosd (theta + spacing)), 2, clr)
end for
end for
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 10:39 am Post subject: (No subject)
nice, very.
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 1:38 pm Post subject: (No subject)
pretty cool stuff there mazer, i agree, who thought that math could be remotely cool?
Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2004 7:09 pm Post subject: Bored
It seems like the best works come out as a result of being bored, so let's get bored.