/*You can use this clock by putting my name & the name of Compsci.ca in the credits*/
var theDateTime, theTime : string
var hours, mins, sec : int
var hours_txt, mins_txt, sec_txt : string
var clockx, clocky : int
var digital : string
var font : int := Font.New ("serif:20")
setscreen ("title:Thoughtful's Clock")
setscreen ("offscreenonly")
setscreen ("graphics:290;300,nobuttonbar")
clockx := 145
clocky := 155
theDateTime := Time.Date
theTime := theDateTime (11 .. *)
hours := strint (theTime (1 .. 2))
mins := strint (theTime (4 .. 5))
sec := strint (theTime (7 .. 8))
drawline (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (95 * cosd ((360 - (sec * 6)) + 90))), round (clocky + (95 * sind (360 - (sec * 6) + 90))), black)
drawline (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (20 * cosd ((360 - (sec * 6)) + 90 + 180))), round (clocky + (20 * sind (360 - (sec * 6) + 90 + 180))), black)
Draw.ThickLine (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (80 * cosd ((360 - (mins * 6+sec/10)) + 90))), round (clocky + (80 * sind (360 - (mins * 6+sec/10) + 90))), 3, black)
Draw.ThickLine (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (12 * cosd ((360 - (mins * 6+sec/10)) + 90 + 180))), round (clocky + (12 * sind (360 - (mins * 6+sec/10) + 90 + 180))), 3, black)
Draw.ThickLine (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (40 * cosd ((360 - ((hours * 30 +mins/2))) + 90))), round (clocky + (40 * sind (360 - (hours * 30 +mins/2) + 90))), 3, black)
Draw.ThickLine (clockx, clocky, round (clockx + (12 * cosd ((360 - ((hours * 30 +mins/2))) + 90 + 180))), round (clocky + (12 * sind (360 - (hours * 30 +mins/2) + 90 + 180))), 3, black)
if hours > 11 then
hours := hours - 12
end if
if hours < 10 then
hours_txt := "0" + intstr (hours)
hours_txt := intstr (hours)
end if
if mins < 10 then
mins_txt := "0" + intstr (mins)
mins_txt := intstr (mins)
end if
if sec < 10 then
sec_txt := "0" + intstr (sec)
sec_txt := intstr (sec)
end if
digital := hours_txt + ":" + mins_txt + ":" + sec_txt
Font.Draw (digital, 100, 0, font, white)
end loop