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 NAIT Digital Media and IT vs Vancouver film school Game Design or something else?
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 9:47 am   Post subject: NAIT Digital Media and IT vs Vancouver film school Game Design or something else?

Hey im new to this forum and have been looking around for a awhile for a reputable and good school that can teach me the in's and out's of game design. Iv found two courses so far that interest me, NAIT's Digital media and IT course appeals to me alot because its got the requirement courses + electives that you you can choose such as 3D modeling or Artificial intelligence. However the Vancouver film school game design course seems to be good as well because it seems to focus on alot of useful skills + its considered a top 10 school (if that means anything). Or are there any other better schools?(preferably in Canada). As a side note, I am aware that the gaming industry focuses alot more on what you've done rather than your degree, but i feel that some professional training would help fast track me to making my own games/mods and teach me valuable skills that I might not to be able to get otherwise and then go on to be recognized and hired by a big studio.
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