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 [Game] [Blitz] Pong
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2004 10:00 pm   Post subject: [Game] [Blitz] Pong

Okay here is an entire tutorial about making Pong in Blitz , this is a good sarting point on how to make game in blitz , you will notice the code will be very much like that of Turing .

;controls are 8 on num pad for up
;2 on num pad for down

; sets the graphics mode
Graphics 640,480

; lets windows know the name of the program
AppTitle "Pong"

;does everything in the background ready to show when "flip" is used
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

;loads the pictures we'll need to use
Ball = LoadImage("ball.bmp")
Player=LoadImage ("bat.bmp")

;sets up the settings for the start:

;player location

;opponant location

;starting speed
SpeedX = 5
SpeedY = 5

;ball location
Ball_x = 5
Ball_y = 5

;players score

;opponants score

;while esc. key isn't pressed
While Not KeyHit(1)

;if the 8(up) key on num. pad is pressed
If  KeyDown (12)

     ;Moves 4 up the y axis

      ;If y axis is less than zero then change to zero (stops it going
      ;off screen)
      If Player_y<0 Then Player_y=0

  ;closes the if command

;if the 2(down) key on num. pad is pressed
If  KeyDown (13)

    ;Moves 4 Down the y axis
     ;If y axis is more than 400 then change to 400 (stops it going
     ;off screen)
     If Player_y>400 Then Player_y=400
 ;closes the if command

; If the player's bat hits the ball then make the ball go a little faster
If ImagesCollide(Player,Player_x,Player_y,0,Ball,Ball_x,Ball_y,0) Then SpeedX= SpeedX-(2*SpeedX)
; If the opponent's bat hits the ball then make the ball go a little faster
If ImagesCollide(Ball,Ball_x,Ball_y,0,Opp,Opp_x,Opp_y,0) Then SpeedX= SpeedX-(2*SpeedX)

; If the ball goes behind the opponent's bat then add 10 to player's
; score
If Ball_x<1 Then p_score=p_score+10

; If the ball goes behind the player's bat then add 10 to player's
; score

If Ball_x>600 Then o_score=o_score+10

; Clear The Screen

; Stops the bat going off the screen
If Opp_y>400 Then Opp_y=400

; Stops the bat going off the screen
If Opp_y<0 Then Opp_y=0

;sets a random command to generate a number between 1 and 3
random = Rand(1,3)

;if the ball touches the opponant
If Ball_y>Opp_y Then 

;is the random number one if so make the bat stay where it is
If random = 1 Then Opp_y=Opp_y 

;otherwise the bat is moved down by five
Else Opp_y=Opp_y-5

;Closes the if command
End If

;if the ball touches the opponant
If Ball_y>Opp_y Then 

;is the random number one if so make the bat stay where it is
;otherwise the bat is moved down by five
If random = 1 Then Opp_y = Opp_y Else Opp_y=Opp_y+5   
;Closes the if command
End If

;Draw the ball 
DrawImage Ball,Ball_x,Ball_y

;If the ball goes off the screen either side move it back to starting
;speed and position
If Ball_x<1  Or Ball_x>GraphicsWidth()-40 Then Ball_x=5 Ball_y=5 SpeedX=5  SpeedY=5   
If Ball_y<1 Or Ball_y>GraphicsHeight()-40 Then SpeedY =- SpeedY

;Ball location is current location plus the speed it is travelling at
Ball_x = Ball_x + SpeedX
Ball_y = Ball_y + SpeedY

;draws the bat of the Player
DrawImage Player,Player_x,Player_y

;draws the bat of the Opponent
DrawImage Opp,Opp_x,Opp_y

;prints the opponents's score
Text 300,0,o_score,1

;prints the players score
Text 340,0,p_score,1

;displays the BackBuffer

;closes the while command

;end of code

ask all of your questions in here , also to make this work you will need the to pictures andblitz , if anyone wants them so they can run it , feel free to ask


 Filename:  pong
 Filesize:  288 Bytes
 Downloaded:  429 Time(s)


PostPosted: Tue Feb 17, 2004 4:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

yeah please post those pics Smile This program seems to be really wierd on my computer... anyways post the pics and then we'll see Confused

also is there a auto-indent like F2 in Turing?
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