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 How can I land a business related internship with a CS background
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 13, 2013 3:21 pm   Post subject: How can I land a business related internship with a CS background

Hey guys, I am a third year UW CS students. During the past two terms, I have interned at IBM, Marsh and Mclennan. Im currently working at Bank of America Merryl Lynch. For these three coop terms, my work were all related to software development. But during these work terms, I had some exposure to business related tasks and I think I have a basic understanding of performing them. For my next term Im planning to apply to a business related internship, generally the entry level jobs like analyst. Im wondering what are my chances, and how I should change my resume to make myself standout or at least seem like a competitive candidate. I have taken the basics of ECON and AFM courses, also in the middle of preparing for CFA level 1 exam. I have applied to business analyst positions in the past but it was difficult landing an interview. Thanks for helping.
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