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 Help needed combining javascript for parallax effect.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 04, 2013 2:00 pm   Post subject: Help needed combining javascript for parallax effect.

Hello. I hope I'm posting this in the right place. This board was recommended to me recently and I've exhausted my efforts everywhere else, I think.

I'm making a website for my friend's project and I was hoping I could get some help here. The main part of it is a parallax effect like this one:

There is a tutorial I followed to achieve a result similar to what this guy has at the top of the page. However, mine is supposed to be a scene that moves continuously. I want to replace the function that makes it move left and right with the movements of the mouse with something much more like this:

Essentially, I want to replace following every movement of the mouse with a continuous smooth scrolling affect in the direction, right or left, where the cursor is. Even if the mouse is not moving, the scrolling would continue. I would also prefer if I could keep all of the image layers of the original parallax without it slowing down or making the scrolling too choppy. Does anyone have any insight into how I could achieve this, please?

One more thing I'd like to be able to do is to make certain images appear or disappear when you get to a certain point in the scrolling.

Can anybody help, please? Thanks in advance.
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