Posted: Thu Dec 22, 2011 3:42 pm Post subject: help with my dice game! D8 pls
hi, im wrking on this dice game and i was just wondering what is wrong with my if statements ,my teacher checked but couldnt find anything and it doesnt work when money equals wager any help would be greatly appreciated thankyou for reading this
Dim L, R, rls, money, wager, total As Single
Private Sub cmdroll_Click()
If wager > money Then 'checks is wager is less than money
lblcantuse.Visible = True
ElseIf money > 0 And wager <= money Then
lblcantuse.Visible = False
lblGameover.Visible = False
wager = Val(txtwager.Text)
money = money - wager
rls = Val(rls) + 1
lblmoney.Caption = money
lblr.Caption = rls
ElseIf money <= 0 Then 'checks is wager is less than money
lblGameover.Visible = True
rls = 0
money = 100
End If