Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 12:03 am Post subject: Electric fields
its a c++ version of the turing one i made earlier. added potential contour maps in this one and you can allow charge to move in the field.
its not finished so you can't add or remove charges.
here are the controls:
f to show forcefield directions
v to show voltage potential contour maps
c to change contour map color scheme
, and . to increase and decrease the contour map resolution
[ and ] to increase and decrease the efield resolution
- and + increase or decrease one of the charges
a to animate the system
r to create a random field of 4 charges
mouse click relocates one of the charges.
i'll upload a more complete version later.
you should adjust the resolution for your system so it runs smoothly.
try animate on the original field setup.
Would you be able to provide source or at the least compile a mac version? I see you're using DLLs in there, dunno how hard it would be to port that to Mac.
Posted: Sun Sep 19, 2010 6:12 pm Post subject: Re: Electric fields
ok heres the source code,
I used devc++ from bloodshed, you need to install glut and freetype from their upgrade server to be able to compile. sorry for the semi messy code. let me know if u have any questions, hopefully i can answer them.
note i did not write the freetype library