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 Swype vs 8pen
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 11:11 am   Post subject: Swype vs 8pen

I just had a look at both Swype and 8pen as keyboard alternatives for mobile devices, and I wonder what people think about each of them. 8Pen is kind of new so I couldn't find any videos of people who actually could use it well (most are just 'omg crazy new shit') but I guess that Swype would indeed be faster as it requires less movement. 8pen is cooler to show off though Razz.

Anyway, what do you guys think?


PostPosted: Sat Jan 08, 2011 1:34 pm   Post subject: RE:Swype vs 8pen

When 8pen first came out it cost money and had no free trial, so I have yet to try it. Looking at their site again I see it is now free so I might check it out.

Swype is OK but it seems to fail miserably when trying to figure out some words. Even simple and common words.

I typically use SwiftKey. It learns while I type so eventually it does a pretty good job of predicting what I will type next. Its defaults are not bad, but it's impressive to see the next two words be "can" and "has" after typing "I."
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