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 In Unreal Tourny, ppl used to call it a "Killing Spree&
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Kill All Unposting Members?
(Voting is closed)
 33%  [ 2 ]
 66%  [ 4 ]
Total Votes : 6

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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:17 pm   Post subject: In Unreal Tourny, ppl used to call it a "Killing Spree&

Okay then dudes, I was looking at the memberlist just for fun and I noticed something. We have nearly 685 (nearly 14 pages worth) of members who've posted not a single darn thing.

I don't know about anyone else, but this screams out permanant bannation ala Enhanced ASMD Shock Rifle, you know what I mean?

Just my two cents.

Think I'll stand in a corner now.

(Poll will last 25 days)

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:31 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Eh? did u count them or something?

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:40 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

you can just sort them based on postcount and count pages with users who got 0 posts.

Some of them just read posts and just don't post anything though Confused
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PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 5:41 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

No, just goto the Memberlist at the top, switch to ascending total posts, then goto page'll have the numbers right beside each name.

Of course, rather than pushing Next Page 14 times, here's the link,[/i]

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 6:50 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Hey... here's an interesting idea, what if we ban all the frequent posters?

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:14 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

hmm intersting. i say we keep the unposters, makes compsci look bigger and better

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 7:18 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Maverick is on to something there.........

No need to delete the not posting users, it's alot of work, and it'll shrink the size of our community. and I personally know a couple of people who signed up, and browse through our forum, but they just don't post, that's all.

PostPosted: Sun May 02, 2004 8:37 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Yeah, I guess soo...but they should participate...right now the only thing you get for participating is bits...and it's not like they do all THAT much for you...

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 12:39 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Wouldn't it be easier to automatically delete the accounts if they don't sign in for 2 months after signing up? and have no posts at the same time.

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 2:01 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Well the point is that I'm not sure how getting more members really helps this site out. I mean, unless all those members are required to click on banner ads or vote or something, it shouldn't be very helpful in keeping this site alive.

Getting more members to sign up because of the already large member count results in what?

Unless of course, it's physically difficult for Tony and Dan to delete members, but I don't really know much about this kinda thing

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 2:08 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

I don't know about you guys, but out of all of the message boards I've gone to, I've never checked to see how many members there were before signing up. Hell, I don't even know (or want to know) how to check that.

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 7:49 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

Mazer wrote:
Hey... here's an interesting idea, what if we ban all the frequent posters?

the funny thing about this idea is that it may aucaly make the borad better, lol.

i think that it whould be more benficale to delete all the users that have a graet spam post # then normal but i whould not do that. the point is, users that post nothing do not help nor take away form the site. deleting all the users with no post whould just use up time i could use to help some one with progaming or study for a test so i can get in to uni or make somting to help the site.

beside i like the high # of users Twisted Evil
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 7:50 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

GreenTiger wrote:
Yeah, I guess soo...but they should participate...right now the only thing you get for participating is bits...and it's not like they do all THAT much for you...

well if u call webbased e-mail, url fowording, e-mail forwording and web site hosting nothing then that is true Rolling Eyes
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 7:53 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

But it is so expensive!! And now I have to give all my bits to Paul. Dammit.

PostPosted: Mon May 03, 2004 7:59 pm   Post subject: (No subject)

jonos wrote:
But it is so expensive!! And now I have to give all my bits to Paul. Dammit.

so he can get the e-mail, ROFL
Computer Science Canada Help with programming in C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB and more!
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