Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 6:38 pm Post subject: Best version for beginner???
What is a good version of C++ to get for starting programers? Or are they all basically the same?
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Posted: Sat Aug 09, 2003 7:48 pm Post subject: Re: Best version for beginner???
Computer wrote:
What is a good version of C++ to get for starting programers? Or are they all basically the same?
C++ is standardized, there is no version of C++. You might want to pick up and IDE like visual C++ or Dev-C++ to ease your work, but you can work using Notepad and a compiler like GPP.
Posted: Sat Jan 17, 2004 2:56 pm Post subject: (No subject)
I think visual is good to use to start.
Posted: Wed Jan 21, 2004 8:28 pm Post subject: (No subject)
Depends what you plan to do. If all you want is to get a head-start on a C++ class, doesn't realy matter much. If you are planning on developing some mastery (I assume you can program well in 1 other language) I'd go with MS Visual C++ only for the reason that any sample code you find in books or on the net is usually tested with MS. Dev-C++ is a solid and free compiler, takes a bit to set it up correctly (Haven't used it in years, my be easier these days), but has basically all the functionality you need.
Posted: Thu Jan 22, 2004 8:40 am Post subject: (No subject)