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 Can someone please help!
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PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 3:08 pm   Post subject: Can someone please help!

We were told to make a seating plan for our ICS4U class, and I am stuck on how to get the information and save it to a file, and how to load everyones pictures... if anyone could help?

const DATAFILE := "data.txt"
const MAXSTUDENTS:= 24
var student: array 1 .. MAXSTUDENTS of string
var number : array 1 .. MAXSTUDENTS of real

procedure Titlescreen
setscreen ("graphics:v16")
const l := 400
const w := 200
const half_l := l div 2
const half_w := w div 2
const midx := maxx div 2
const midy := maxy div 2
const border := 10

const midr := maxrow div 2
const midc := maxcol div 2

const Title := "Seating Plan Project"
const Caption := "Concerns? email"

const title_len := length (Title)
const caption_len := length (Caption)

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 38)
drawfillbox (midx - half_l, midy - half_w, midx + half_l, midy + half_w, 35)
drawfillbox (midx - half_l + border, midy - half_w + border, midx + half_l - border, midy + half_w - border, 53)

color (1)
colorback (53)
locate (midr - 2, midc - title_len div 2)
put Title
locate (midr + 1, midc - caption_len div 2)
put Caption

drawfillbox (midx + half_l - border, midy - half_w, midx + half_l, midy + half_w, 35)
drawfillbox (midx + half_l, midy - half_w, maxx, maxy, 38)
delay (3000)
end Titlescreen
procedure menu
setscreen ("nocursor")
const l := 400
const w := 200
const half_l := l div 2
const half_w := w div 2
const midx := maxx div 2
const midy := maxy div 2
const border := 10

const midr := maxrow div 2
const midc := maxcol div 2

drawfillbox (0, 0, maxx, maxy, 38)
drawfillbox (midx - half_l, midy - half_w, midx + half_l, midy + half_w, 35)
drawfillbox (midx - half_l + border, midy - half_w + border, midx + half_l - border, midy + half_w - border, 53)

color (1)
colorback (53)

locate (maxrow div 2 - 2, maxcol div 2 - 10)
put "1. New Student"
locate (maxrow div 2 - 1, maxcol div 2 - 10)
put "2. Delete Student"
locate (maxrow div 2, maxcol div 2 - 10)
put "3. View seating plan"
locate (maxrow div 2 + 1, maxcol div 2 - 10)
put "4. Edit seating plan"
locate (maxrow div 2 + 2, maxcol div 2 - 10)
put "5. Quit"
drawfillbox (midx + half_l - border, midy - half_w, midx + half_l, midy + half_w, 35)
drawfillbox (midx + half_l, midy - half_w, maxx, maxy, 38)

end menu

proc New_Student
var new_student : string := ""
var new_number : int := -1
var seat : int := -1

put "Enter the student's name"
get new_student : *
put "Enter the student's Student Number"
get new_number
put "What seat number would you ike this student to sit in?"
get seat

if seat > 24 then
put "Invalid seat number"

end if

end New_Student

proc Delete_Student
end Delete_Student

proc View_Plan
end View_Plan

proc Edit_Plan
end Edit_Plan

%VARIABLE DECLARATION SECTION--------------------------------------------------------------

var choice : string (1) := ""



delay (1000)
getch (choice)
if choice = "1" then
elsif choice = "2" then
elsif choice = "3" then
elsif choice = "4" then
elsif choice = "5" then

put "Invalid Choice!"
end if
end loop

PostPosted: Wed Feb 24, 2010 4:10 pm   Post subject: Re: Can someone please help!

First of all use syntax tags, so it can be indented and colour coded, like this:
% Your code here
    % You can even indent it too!

For the file stuff, you should go into the turing documentation and look up the following commands: open, close, read, write. As for the pictures, I have honestly never loaded a picture in turing, but you should look at the Pic commands (ie Pic.Draw, Pic.FileNew).

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 8:21 am   Post subject: Re: Can someone please help!

For pictures, have Pic.Draw...
For files, I don't know

PostPosted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 12:05 pm   Post subject: RE:Can someone please help!

For file I/O, you need to open a file and then either put to it, or get from it. Look up the bolded words in the Turing help to find out how to do it.
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