Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB
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Programming C, C++, Java, PHP, Ruby, Turing, VB  

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 [Tip] Great book
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 10:05 am   Post subject: [Tip] Great book

Just a tip on a good book to look into. It's Programming PHP 5 2nd Edition (O'Reilly). I picked it up from my school library the other day and I must say I'm impressed. I'd say it's a book for an already experienced programmer. It's written by the language authors themselves, too.

The book goes quickly through PHP and doesn't try to bash common programming logic into your skull, so if you already know your way around in the programming world and want to learn PHP from a book, check it out. I personally know quiet a bit of Java, some VB and a little C/C++ theory, and it makes PHP make a lot of sense (and fun! :O).

Anyways that's my opinion. I'm only about 100 pages in so if anyone has anything else to add, go ahead. So far it seems very good though.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 03, 2010 10:05 pm   Post subject: RE:[Tip] Great book

I have just joined a PHP Classic. we are stared with HTML and CSS. Is there any way to make myself good programmer in PHP language? My friend told me that there are so many scope of job in this language. what is your opinion about this language? I have been searching for a project book of PHP not a concept. So if anybody know such kind of book or the site where i can take a complete project of PHP then inform me.
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