Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 1:31 pm Post subject: My Max Color Program
I wanted to have more then 255 colors, so I took an hour and made this program That you can add to you're programs That will Increase The max Colors to 11800 colors . This is alot better
To Choose your color use My command ColorSet (#0-11800)
Like it? Please comment.
for j : 1 .. 72
for i : 51 .. 150
Draw.FillBox ((-2) + (i*4), (j * 4)-2,2 + (i*4), (j * 4)+2, ColorSet ((i * j)-50))
end for
end for
This is Probably the most usefull thing for turring and colors
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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 3:13 pm Post subject: RE:My Max Color Program
I was going to create one of these... but then realized I kept changing colour 255 temporarily in RGB to make my colours, Lol. Anyhow, good add.