Which one will i get in? Software engineer, CE, CS at UW (No ending time set)
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One or two of the three, please explain why
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Total Votes : 15
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:21 pm Post subject: Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
This semester i have a 97 in physics, 90 in adv function, 84 in AP comp sci so far, which averages out to be 90.33. I am on the senior boys volleyball team, in the computer science and robotics club, rank 65/505 on dwite so far which isnt that great cos a lot have a 0. I am also a sun certified java programmer with level 8 piano and swimming. Maybe captain of the pingpong team this year. My marks from gr 11 werent too great, like an 85% average. I only have 40 hours. Could i get into waterloo software engineering, comp sci, or CE?
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Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 7:48 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Yes, with no problem. Don't stress, and if you submit an AIF and keep up your current grades, you will certainly get accepted. The only other important factor is your English mark, but if it's 80+ like your other marks, you're set. Of course, none of this is taking into consideration scholarships and the like, but that's another concern.
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 9:48 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Settle down, you'll be fine.
Posted: Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:09 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
lol, i have 90 in physics, 85 in french, 84 in compsci, and 66 in bio
m i gonna maek it guis?
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 8:47 am Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
gitoxa @ Sat Nov 29, 2008 11:09 pm wrote:
m i gonna maek it guis?
No because you fail English.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:28 am Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Lol, I have high 60's in functions and physics (if you can call anything that low 'high'), but 95+ in CE and CS...I figure I'm screwed Hopefully by the end of the semester my marks will pull up to an 85 average (to at least get into Western). Bye bye Waterloo, hello Brock!
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:02 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Thats unfortunate insectoid because i think waterloo has 5 courses you must take, and only 1 option. English, advanc functions, calc, physics, chem, and only your next highest mark (whether CE or CS) will be looked at. But you can definatly write that on the AIF or something. But this is just my opinion.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:44 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Chem (gr. 11 and 12) I am taking next year, as well as advanced functions and calculus & vectors. English is next semester, so I don't know how I'll do (80-ish). We had a video-conference thing with a prof from Western at our class last Friday. It looks a lot easier to get into (80 average, it's in the science department, only Functions, English, and physics required, plus 2 other classes from a list (my 2 being calculus and CS). So for me, it's either Western, Waterloo, or a cardboard box under a bridge. (oh yeah, I've got a CE co-op next semester too)
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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:45 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
if you have over 80 average...and extracricular activites that is something they smile at...then start to consider yo? (:>
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 12:48 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Well, I try to get involved at least a little (school plays & programming contests, do non-school related extra curricular activities help?)
And does waterloo actually look at the number of hour of community service you do? I know Western just looks at weather you've done it or not. 40+ hours is just 40 hours to them. I have 100+hours, and counting. Hopefully it will help me someday.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:40 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Maybe you can put those extra hours towards the required subjects that could use the most help.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 1:54 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
insectoid @ Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:28 am wrote:
... Bye bye Waterloo, hello Brock!
There's nothing wrong with Brock!
Although (despite being in it), I'm not much of a fan of the Computer Science department.
Like for instances, some professors still require us to hand in assignments on floppy disks.... (Most professors allow electronic submissions though)
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:13 pm Post subject: Re: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
[quote="octopi @ 30th November 2008, 1:54 pm"]
insectoid @ Sun Nov 30, 2008 11:28 am wrote:
Like for instances, some professors still require us to hand in assignments on floppy disks.... (Most professors allow electronic submissions though)
Some profs at Lakehead ask for assignments on floppy's as well. I thought it was odd intill i put some thought in to it. If you accept assignments by e-mail there is always the problem with students saying the assignment just did not send or there was a problem with there net connection, etc. However with a floppy they are sold in the campus book store and almost all the normal lab computers in the school take them and have the needed compliers on them to do the assignment so there is not reason you can't do it and hand it in physically.
Also e-mail headers can be manipulated a lot, you can fake the sender and the date the e-mail was sent making it very hard to see if the student got it in by the dead line and the e-mail was just hung up bouncing between servers or they faked the date header. A floppy is also physical, can be written on and cheap enough that if the prof does not give it back no one cares.
Sorry for getting off topic just my defense of asking for it on a floppy.
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Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:23 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
WebCT and Moodle as well as others allow for assignment drop boxes. Hell, Moodle's free.
Our laptops don't even have floppy drives in them.
Posted: Sun Nov 30, 2008 2:31 pm Post subject: RE:Hows my grades looking for univeristy?
Hell, desktops don't come with floppy drives (by default), let alone laptops. Online assignment drop-boxes work reasonably well.
Sure, there's chance that school's network goes down and the drop-box is rendered in-accessible for some period of time. Though there's a similar chance of a blizzard or a bear alert, that will render a physical drop-box similarly inaccessible.
While one could forge email headers; that one could also drop a magnet into the floppy drop-box.