* Author: Brian Tiffin
* Date: 29-July-2008
* Purpose: Plot trig and a random income/expense/worth report
* Tectonics: requires access to gnuplot. http://www.gnuplot.info
* cobc -Wall -x plotworth.cob
* OVERWRITES prog.gp and gpdata.txt
identification division.
program-id. plotworth.
environment division.
input-output section.
select scriptfile
assign to "prog.gp"
organization is line sequential.
select outfile
assign to "gpdata.txt"
organization is line sequential.
select moneyfile
assign to "gpdata.txt"
organization is line sequential.
data division.
file section.
fd scriptfile.
01 gnuplot-command pic x(82).
fd outfile.
01 outrec.
03 x-value pic -zzzzzz9.99.
03 filler pic x.
03 sin-value pic -zzzz9.9999.
03 filler pic x.
03 cos-value pic -zzzz9.9999.
fd moneyfile.
01 moneyrec.
03 timefield pic 9(8).
03 filler pic x.
03 income pic -zzzzzz9.99.
03 filler pic x.
03 expense pic -zzzzzz9.99.
03 filler pic x.
03 networth pic -zzzzzz9.99.
working-storage section.
01 angle pic s9(7)v99.
01 dates pic 9(8).
01 days pic s9(9).
01 worth pic s9(9).
01 amount pic s9(9).
01 gplot pic x(80) value is 'gnuplot -persist prog.gp'.
01 result pic s9(9).
procedure division.
* Create the script to plot sin and cos
open output scriptfile.
move "plot 'gpdata.txt' using 1:2 with lines title 'sin(x)'"
- to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move "replot 'gpdata.txt' using 1:3 with lines title 'cos(x)'"
- to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
close scriptfile.
* Create the sinoidal data
open output outfile.
move spaces to outrec.
perform varying angle from -10 by 0.01
until angle > 10
move angle to x-value
move function sin(angle) to sin-value
move function cos(angle) to cos-value
write outrec
close outfile.
* Invoke gnuplot
call "SYSTEM" using gplot
returning result.
if result not = 0
display "Problem: " result
stop run returning result
* Generate script to plot the random networth
open output scriptfile.
move "set xdata time" to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'set timefmt "%Y%m%d"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'set format x "%m"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'set title "Income and expenses"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'set xlabel "2008 / 2009"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'plot "gpdata.txt" using 1:2 with boxes title "Income"
-' linecolor rgb "green"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'replot "gpdata.txt" using 1:3 with boxes title "Expense"
-' linecolor rgb "red"' to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
move 'replot "gpdata.txt" using 1:4 with lines title "Worth"'
- to gnuplot-command.
write gnuplot-command.
close scriptfile.
* Generate a bi-weekly dataset with date, income, expense, worth
open output moneyfile.
move spaces to moneyrec.
move function integer-of-date(20080601) to dates.
move function random(0) to amount.
perform varying days from dates by 14
until days > dates + 365
move function date-of-integer(days) to timefield
compute amount = function random() * 2000
compute worth = worth + amount
move amount to income
compute amount = function random() * 1800
compute worth = worth - amount
move amount to expense
move worth to networth
write moneyrec
close moneyfile.
* Invoke gnuplot again. Will open new window.
call "SYSTEM" using gplot
returning result.
if result not = 0
display "Problem: " result
stop run returning result