procedure Question_Ask (Question : string, Player : nat1, var Score1,
Score2 : int, Font1, C, Price : int, var Asked : boolean)
var Answer : char
Font.Draw (Question, 1, maxy - 200, Font1, C)
Answer := getchar
if Answer = "1" then
Font.Draw ("Correct!", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font1, 10)
if Player = 1 then
Score1 := Score1 + Price
Score2 := Score2 + Price
end if
if Player = 1 then
Score1 := Score1 - Price
Score2 := Score2 - Price
end if
Font.Draw ("Incorrect!", maxx div 2, maxy div 2, Font1, 12)
end if
if Answer = "1" or Answer = "r" then
Asked := true
end if
delay (1000)
end Question_Ask
setscreen ("graphics:max,max,nobuttonbar,offscreenonly,nocursor")
const NUM_OF_QS := 15
var Turn : nat1
var Question : array 1 .. NUM_OF_QS of string (100)
var XQ, YQ, Cost : array 1 .. NUM_OF_QS of int
var Asked : array 1 .. NUM_OF_QS of boolean
var XM, YM, Click : int
var Score1, Score2 : int
var DrawCount : int
var Font1, Font2 : int
var PriceN : int
var A : char
var Name1, Name2 : string (10)
var QuestionCount : nat1
%These are the questions
% note they are in a weird order because
% they are organized by catagory and
% not by thier number in the array
Question (1) := "What weapon does Purvis use to murder people?"
Question (4) := "What animals were being killed during the three days " +
"of rain? (OMWEW)"
Question (7) := "What building is all of the duplicated books in?(IL)"
Question (10) := "What happens to the 'old drunk' (Purvis)"
Question (13) := "What guns are used to kill the monkeys? (IL)"
% Authors
Question (2) := "Name any author not in this phase."
Question (5) := "Who wrote Inflexible Logic?"
Question (8) := "Who wrote Purvis?"
Question (11) := "Who wrote A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings?"
Question (14) := "Who translated AVOMWEW?"
Question (3) := "Purvis"
Question (6) := "Mr Bainbridge"
Question (9) := "Pelayo"
Question (12) := "Young"
Question (15) := "Bill"
Font1 := Font.New ("System:30")
Font2 := Font.New ("System:18")
QuestionCount := 0
DrawCount := 0
Turn := 1
Score1 := 0
Score2 := 0
PriceN := 100
SX := 200
SY := maxy - 200
colorback (7)
Font.Draw ("Peter Watt's, simple standard trivia game", 1, maxy - 100, Font1, 0)
Font.Draw ("Press any key to advance", 100, 100, Font2, 10)
A := getchar
colorback (9)
DrawCount := DrawCount + 1
Asked (DrawCount) := false
XQ (DrawCount) := SX + 100
YQ (DrawCount) := SY
drawbox (XQ (DrawCount) - 100, YQ (DrawCount) - 50,
XQ (DrawCount) + 100, YQ (DrawCount) + 50, 1)
Cost (DrawCount) := PriceN
Font.Draw (natstr (Cost (DrawCount)), XQ (DrawCount), YQ (DrawCount),
Font1, 12)
SX := SX + 200
if SX >= maxx - 300 then
PriceN := PriceN + 100
SX := 200
SY := SY - 100
end if
exit when DrawCount >= NUM_OF_QS
end loop
mousewhere (XM, YM, Click)
for I : 1 .. NUM_OF_QS
if XM < XQ (I) + 100 and XM > XQ (I) - 100 and YM < YQ (I) + 50 and
YM > YQ (I) - 50 then
drawfillbox (XQ (I) - 100, YQ (I) - 50, XQ (I) + 100,
YQ (I) + 50,
if Click = 1 then
if not Asked (I) then
% Question_Ask (Question : string, Player : nat1, var Score1,
% Score2 : int, Font1, C, Price : int, var Asked : boolean)
Question_Ask (Question (I), Turn, Score1, Score2, Font2, 0, Cost (I),
Asked (I))
if Asked (I) then
QuestionCount := QuestionCount + 1
end if
if Turn = 1 then
Turn := 2
Turn := 1
end if
% Asked (I) := true
end if
end if
end if
drawbox (XQ (I) - 100, YQ (I) - 50, XQ (I) + 100, YQ (I) + 50, 0)
if not Asked (I) then
Font.Draw ("$" + natstr (Cost (I)), XQ (I) - 50, YQ (I) - 5,
Font1, 14)
end if
end for
for D : 1 .. 4
drawline (D * 200, maxy - 80, D * 200, maxy - 150, 0)
end for
Font.Draw ("Team " + natstr (Turn) + "'s turn", 300, maxy - 50, Font1, 7)
drawline (200, maxy - 80, 800, maxy - 80, 0)
Font.Draw ("PLOTS", 220, maxy - 120, Font1, 12)
Font.Draw ("AUTHORS", 400, maxy - 120, Font1, 12)
Font.Draw ("CHARACTERS", 625, maxy - 120, Font2, 12)
Font.Draw ("TEAM 1", 1, 600, Font1, 14)
Font.Draw ("TEAM 2", maxx - 200, 600, Font1, 14)
Font.Draw ("$" + intstr (Score1), 1, 500, Font1, 0)
Font.Draw ("$" + intstr (Score2), maxx - 200, 500, Font1, 0)
exit when QuestionCount >= NUM_OF_QS
end loop
if Score1 > Score2 then
Font.Draw ("TEAM 1 has won!", maxx div 2 , maxy div 2 , Font1, 10)
Font.Draw ("TEAM 2 has won!", maxx div 2 , maxy div 2 , Font1, 10)
end if