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 Fighter Game Advice
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PostPosted: Wed May 21, 2008 4:26 pm   Post subject: Fighter Game Advice

Hey, I've currently been making a fighter-game, in class and in spare time. Right now, I have one arena to fight in and 2 characters (four attacks, 1 taunt, 1 shield per character). Below are the possible future advancements in my game. I was wondering if somebody could tell me which of the below would make for a better game. If you could respond by saying which of the following is best, and continue in a list, so that I know what (according to you) is the best and worst things to do. so, without further ado, here are the new advancements.
A) 2 more characters
B) 2 more moves per character
C) 1 new arena
D) items falling from the sky that the characters can use

And why did you pick those?

EDIT : Of the character's there are two sets to pick from. Which characters are the best. Either there are these two :
A) Aizen - a dual sword-wielding person, with devastating sword attacks and close-range magic
B) Siegfried - a tank-like warrior, fighting with a sword that forms ice (icicles, icy beam, etc.)
There are either those two above, or any two from below :
C) Ichigo - a warrior holding a huge-sword with a variety of sword attacks using his "soul energy"
D) Tensa Zangetsu - a ridiculously fast warrior with a variety of sword attacks using his "soul energy"
E) Hollow Ichigo - Tensa Zangetsu except demonic, with dark powered attacks
F) Renji - a warrior that uses a sword that can extend into a whip-like series of blades. He can pull out his final attack of a snake-like monstrous sword
G) Hitsugaya - a warrior that uses a sword that wields a variety of ice techniques along with its blade (ice blast, ice aura, ice dragon, icy heavens, etc.)

Who's the best character? A and B must go together, and if any others are your favorites, pick two of them. Thanx, hopefully this will make my game that much better.

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 8:54 am   Post subject: Re: Fighter Game Advice

most of the characters from above just sound like rip offs of soulcalibur

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 10:18 am   Post subject: RE:Fighter Game Advice

Probably Ichigo and Hollow Ichigo, Id like to see opposites on the same team

PostPosted: Thu May 22, 2008 12:53 pm   Post subject: RE:Fighter Game Advice

Only one from soul calibur :
Aizen (made up by me)
Siegfried (Soul Calibur)
Ichigo (bleach)
Tensa Zangetsu (bleach)
Hollow Ichigo (bleach)
Renji (bleach)
Hitsugaya (bleach)

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 7:58 am   Post subject: Re: Fighter Game Advice

not the names but weapons and attacks and such

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 12:41 pm   Post subject: RE:Fighter Game Advice

The descriptions? Those were written by me.
Attacks and such were based off the games, but written by me.
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