The mods are corrupt, they abuse their power every day.
[ 1 ]
The mods are corrupt, they abuse their power every week
[ 0 ]
The mods are corrupt, they abuse their power every month
[ 0 ]
The mods are corrupt, they abuse their power every year
[ 0 ]
The mods are corrupt, but don't generally abuse their power
[ 3 ]
The mods are NOT corrupt, but sometimes they do bad things (not justified)
[ 10 ]
The mods are NOT corrupt, but sometimes they over-react poorly (justified)
[ 8 ]
The mods are NOT corrupt, and I aprove of all they do
[ 3 ]
Eat taco you flaming mod!
[ 2 ]
Total Votes : 27
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:50 am Post subject: Curruption and all that (A poll!)
(this is a debate post, not a flame post. And I be speaking as a person, not a mod)
First, I clearly misread Dave's post and took it to be an attack; and based open the theory of overwhelming force took to end it by ripping him several new ones. Was it the right thing to do? Not at all. SO I apologize to you all for it ('m sure Clayton feels the same way).
Second, It seems as though a lot of members feel that the mods have become corrupt. I don't read all the forums, so I can't be sure; but this is the first and only incident I can remember in a long time. Now certainly once may be too often, but it likewise seems a bit unreasonable to say that the mods have become corrupt based upon one action.
Obviously, being a mod who doesn't read the turing forums, my point of view somewhat scewed. So I put it to a poll to find out what members think.
Please read all the options, as there are a lot of subtle differences. And post too, I promise not to flame anyone for voicing their opinion of me and to try and prevent others from doing so.
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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:53 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
If I vote that the mods are infallible, will you give me a large sack full of money with a big dollar sign printed on the front of it?
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:59 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
Of course! Will that be monopoly money or Reichsmarks?
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 10:39 am Post subject: cOrruption and all that (A poll!)
In essence, I have to say the mods are corrupt, but my reasons for this differ from most assumed ends for this.
Power corrupts, period, that's an unavoidable fact, and the more the power the more the corruption, it's a part of humanity, and it aint going away anytime soon.
The mods may have gotten slack with attempting to use their position as a venting post, or a way to avoid insult by coercion, but after all it is to be expected, no matter ho morally upright any of us are, the end result with any of us is the same, we all eventually wind up doing this.
In end result, the mods maybe should calm down some say, that does not completely solve the problem, and could result in mixwed feelings across the board.
Balance of power is hard to implement on a forum, but historically has the greatest effect at reducing (not eliminating, that is not possible) corruption.
Moderators of moderators though, simply is not a viable option. Reduced terms for moderators simply seems a better idea, but this community is as yet still too small.
In days coming we may want to initiate terms for mods, and may see a drop in "abuse" (it really is most often intended as a joke, but the position or method leads to problems, and is best avoided [personalized acts, or vendetta should be avoided, you were given the title and position to moderate a forum, not have fun messing with people]).
Until then, I say we keep the working system, unless one of the admins feels we are ready to appoint different mods.
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:01 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
Mods dont delete posts arbitrarily, they dont edit unwarranted posts, nor do they ban people for not having a similar opinion. They usually use their powers for justified reasons, and i have yet to see true abuse of power.
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:14 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
I believe everyone deserves a second chance.
Ive had a bad go with the mods. But i truely believe that they are all good people.
Everyone has their good and bad days.
I guess I just got their bad days all at once!
Lucky me eh?
So my vote goes to
The mods are NOT corrupt, but sometimes they over-react poorly (justified)
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:18 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
now lets give up the argument that mods are corrupt and get back to being pointless and contentious in the right place AHEM
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:19 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
Good sounding to me.
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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:22 am Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
WOAH! I just noticed this (its VERy off topic but isnt that what this category is about? haha)
So you know the whole +/- thing.
Shows im pretty hated! hahahahahahahaha
How about some people help me out in the + category! hahahaha
Oh geezeeeeeeee
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 1:46 pm Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
I think mods should be able to do what they want, justified or not. Personally I believe said attack was all in good fun, and people started to take it way to seriously. :S
Those insults were comedy gold and you all know it. On a side note. DaveAngus periods end thoughts, not end of line characters.
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 2:55 pm Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
The mods on this site have to abide by the same rules as the users and if they break them they are warned or punished apropritly.
As for adbusing mod powers, i have seen some complaints of this but no sepfice examples yet. A mod simply flaming or inusalting a user is agist the rules but it is not an adbuses of mod power.
Also editing some ones post to remove p rofanty, flame wars, inuslts or for other vaild reasons is not an adbuses of power.
If any one dose witness a real adbuses of power they should contact tony or i threw e-mail or PMs and we can deal with it.
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Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 7:57 pm Post subject: Re: Curruption and all that (A poll!)
i dont think mods are corrupt......but i like the fact that making them eat a taco is actually an option in this poll
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 8:13 pm Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
What if the mods like tacos? I wouldn't mind being flaming for the opportunity to eat a taco
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:12 pm Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
mmmmmmm taco bell!
Posted: Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:44 pm Post subject: RE:Curruption and all that (A poll!)
Mods rather enjoy eating tacos while abusing their powers, don't we?