Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:00 am Post subject: Digital Clock Help
I've been trying to implement a Digital Clock and i've managed to get one working with 3 JTextFields and importing java.util.Calendar and using it's get time features. However, I was wondering if there are any better looking Digital Clocks that would be easy to implement?
I've been hitting google and I found this which looks really nice and is what i'm after BUT!!!! The coding just to get it working seems really complex and beyond what a grade 12 should do. Lately i've been rushing 4 weeks to finish my ISU which is essentially a "PDA Simulation" in Java which includes features such as a mini text editor (Implemented but only with .txt files and allows for basic text editing features. No bold, italics etc lol), calendar (Completely failed to get this to work) with a scheduler, and this clock. I might decide on adding a .wav music player but at this rate time's running out seeing as how it's due at the end of THIS WEEK!
Any suggestions as to what to do with the Digital Clock issue because 3 text fields that auto update isn't exactly what i'd call "ISU Material".
Also, I was wondering if there were any suggestions as to what to do with the Calendar. My goal here is to have a calendar where it loads material from a dates.txt in this format.
Year Month Day Time Description
2008 01 08 14:30 Business meeting with client downtown
2008 01 12 08:30 Appointment with Orthodontist
and bolds those dates in the calendar and when the user clicks on that date. There's a seperate feature at the bottom of the calendar consisting of a JList and 2 JTextFields. JList to select an existing appointment which'll output the data to a JTextField and from there the user can edit it, or there's a 2nd function in the Jlist where you create a new schedule where it gives you BLank JTextFields and you enter the date in 24hr format and a description of the schedule.
Any help would be appreciated. >.<
AI YAHH!! My English ISU is due too.... Doi, gotta work on that now.. 3:00AM.. *yawns sleepily*
Posted: Tue Jan 08, 2008 3:06 am Post subject: RE:Digital Clock Help
I say work your hardest but if you cannot finish as much as you'd wish just mention so in your presentation if your teacher is like mine he grades according to how hard you work not by how good your project is