Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 5:38 pm Post subject: Looking for a quote origin
HI! I'm looking for the origin of this quote "In the beginning God was playing solitaire, but he couldn't see, so he said let there be light" Why post it here? Well there's a user here called TheOneTrueGod who used this quote as a signature. I've been obsessed with finding where this quote comes from and I have had no luck. If anyone knows where this quote is from PLEASE let me know! THANKS!!!!
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Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:30 pm Post subject: RE:Looking for a quote origin
.... Haven't you asked this question on the Shoutbox too? Anyhow, wrong forum- this is total spam.
Do a search for his username if you want- if you find him, pm him.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 7:38 pm Post subject: Re: Looking for a quote origin
Hey no need to be rude. I already tried sending a message, but the user hasn't signed on since october. I was just hoping someone would know, sorry I posted under the wrong board, didn't mean to offend anyone.
Posted: Fri Jan 26, 2007 9:03 pm Post subject: RE:Looking for a quote origin
I'd say he just made it up. I mean, if the only Google result is a page from, it's a safe bet. And it goes like so:
In the beginning, god was playing solitaire, and there was no light, so he couldn't see. So god said, let there be light.